Anybody else given up on THE WALKING DEAD? If so, why? (Open spoilers likely.)

You appear to have fallen into the trap of applying logic to a zombie apocalypse. It’s then when it all falls down.

If there was, you know, normal laws in these worlds, a zombie apocalypse could be easily dealt with by either going to the middle of the desert or up to northern climes and live there during the winter, and up a mountain during summer.

The zombies don’t appear to drink, will dehydrate and dissolve in the desert. Under winter they will freeze. They have no means or will to shelter or wear clothes.

Even going down the “rabid zombie” route (28 days later, crossed), a bit of strategy and fleeing will have them dying from exposure. It would perhaps end up with the zombies down in the warmer climes, based around wherever the fresh water is (assuming the live, but mad type, feel thirst). Then that’s manageable. Herd and burn them en masse.

But logic doesn’t apply in these things.

I got burnt out on vampires, so I don’t watch anything with vampires any more, except for The Strain. I enjoyed TWD, but after 3 seasons, I’m burnt out on zombie apocalypses.

Advertising agencies have not.

How is this better than the World War Z throwback infantry squares?

Seems to me that if you have a trained modern infantryman, you’re better off telling him to shoot for the head, than you are handing him a mace and shield and telling him to figure out how to fight in a shield wall formation.

Because the characters are so unlikeable and stupid, I don’t really watch the episodes. I record them and then usually fast forward through anything that doesn’t actually have zombies on the screen.

I can often get through a full episode in 20 minutes or less. Interestingly, I don’t seem to really miss much of the plot by this method.

So, technically I will watch this next season. I’m not exactly sure how to answer the OP. Have I given up? Well, sort of. But not completely because after all, these are zombies.

I have no idea why zombies are interesting to me.


A well-designed, compelling, fictional world has firmly-defined rules for what goes, and doesn’t go. If every answer to any and all suggestions for strategies to deal with the plot’s Core Issue is “It’s magic!”, then the plot as such completely unravels.

I don’t see why it would be so hard for the writers to have the characters on a long-term quest to solve the zombie menace scientifically, piecing together clues here and there, doing experiments on the poor slobs, heading off to Lab X in central California to find out more information. Well, there is always the chance of the Chris Carter Effect rearing its ugly head of course, but that certainly isn’t a given if the writers and producers truly do have it all mapped out beforehard. A well-designed, self-consistent zombie world of this sort might be pretty compelling viewing.

That’s better than having the characters just sitting around spinning their wheels until the next horde attacks them.

Well, at least it’s not as infuriatingly stupid as 28 Weeks Later.

They are following a comic book series.

None of the characters are biochemists or genetic engineers. How are they supposed to get the expertise to believably conduct such research?

Unless the characters are written as having a science background such that they might believably research a cure, I’m not in favor of the plot going that way.

Well golly gee Mr. Wizard, by writing one or two of them into the script? :confused:

So it’s a comic book adaptation-it’s not like people have taken liberties with such many times while adapting them to other media…

Whatever. If you still like it, go ahead and watch it. Out of here.

Why not make one of them Jesus who can cure a zombie with a touch?
Why aren’t there dragons?

That’s not the story they are telling.

Exactly, although I am not happy with it.
Something like The Last Ship would be good.

Exactly. And in a climate like that of Atlanta, a whole bunch of them are just going to, um, decompose further. So it won’t be long until you just have a bunch of zombie pieces lying around, which will be much easier to cope with than moving zombies.

I vote for flamethrowers to incinerate the zombie pieces.

That’s the part I never understood; anything that would kill a person will kill a 28 Days Later zombie.

And as mindless and determined as they seem to be, luring them and doing things like nerve-gassing them or cluster-bombing them would be very effective tactics, I’d imagine.

Or… just plain old buttoned up armored vehicles would do a horrible number on both kinds of zombies.

Cracked said something along those lines a couple years ago. Thing is, from what we see in the show and in every movie I’ve ever seen, the virus (or whatever) arrests decay after a certain point. I can’t think of a single instance of screen zombies simply rotting away if the protagonists just wait long enough.

Zombies are just retarded vampires. Everybody knows that.

“[Breaking] ‘The Walking Dead’ Lost Another Half Million Viewers”

I would watch the hell out of a “Wolf Carol, Wolf Daryl” spinoff. The rest is just wasting time.