Anybody have a recipe for sweet potato casserole?

You know, the kind with marshmallows and pineapples. Thanks in advance!

Take as many sweet potatoes as you want. Bake them & then peel them. Whip them with butter until they’re at the consistency you like. Fold in bourbon until flavored as you like. Spoon into a casserole dish, liberally sprinkle with brown sugar. Top with pecan halves & bake until just heated through.



Aaah! Too sweet. Consider a casserole of potatoes, parsnip and rutabaga (the latter being a bit sweet) toped with carmilized onions. Boil, mash, put the onions on top, put in the oven.

Of course if you like sweet, go with God. :slight_smile:

Well, I was really looking for one with marshmallows and pineapple…

Hmm, the one my family cooks has Marshmallows but no pineapple. I can get the recipe if that’ll work.

Here’s one, but it’s not a casserole. You could probably adapt it though.

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

4 medium sweet potatoes
1 T butter
1/2 t salt
1 T heavy cream
1 8-oz can crushed pineapple, drained and reserve liquid

Bake sweet potatoes at 450° until soft. Remove and allow to cool. Cut each sweet potato in half lengthwise and scoop out potato, leaving shell intact. Mash sweet potatoes with butter, salt and milk, along with 1/2 of the crushed pineapple.

Add a little more milk or butter if necessary. Fill sweet potato shells. Slice marshmallows in half and top each sweet potato with two halves. Top with a spoonful of crushed pineapple. Put reserved pineapple syrup or juice in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Drizzle each sweet potato with a little of the juice. Place stuffed potatoes under broiler and broil until the marshmallows are browned.

Thank you!

percypercy: Sure, but don’t go out of your way!

Ditto here. Actually ours started out without marshmallows even, but we added them (just put em on top toward the end of the baking cycle).