I’m a good enough player, pretty good if I don’t say so myself. People on Yahoo euchre seem to be stupid though, mostly because they’re 12.
I’m looking for a person or people that can meet and play euchre and not suck to an astounding degree.
I hate being a decent player, and being judged by my rating which is mostly influenced by my idiot partners. Getting set is sometimes excusable, calling a hand on the left and 9 only, is not.
I play Euchre online 2-3 times a week, but only occasionally at Yahoo. I generally prefer either the Hardwood or the Hoyle sites.
I used to really like playing the Hoyle version, but their site was down for about a year, and when it finally restarted under a new host, it seemed like it hasn’t really built up a decent population of players.
The Hardwood site is pretty lively, with a good mix of strong and weak players, but you do have to buy their program (after a trial period) to keep playing.
The Yahoo interface gets on my nerves a bit - not sure why. I also find that Yahoo players are more likely to get up and leave in the middle of a game if they are losing. I’d be happy to join in a Doper Euchre night at Yahoo, though!
I’m totally in if we can find some time that’s good for both of us. I played for years and years and then moved to the East Coast where people don’t even know how to spell it, much less play it. I keep trying to harass picker into learning, but he keeps blowing me off about it. Silly man doesn’t know what he’s missing.
Awwww, c’mon, I know there’re more euchre players around here!
I tried Hardwood ChordedZither, but all that little zoomy sparkly stuff confuzzled me. I get that there’s a niche environment and it’d be cool to have fun with all the extras, but not fun enough to pay for, IMO.
Yahoo’s free, simple to navigate, any regular euchre players could set up an account in moments. No interest in a doper tourney?
I love Euchre and miss playing. Hundreds of years ago, in my teens, my boyfriend and I were the masters. During house parties, Euchre was played, winning coupled stayed, losing couple would get up and new people would play.
I’ve also avoided playing on Yahoo because I want many fun games in a row without people leaving or calling stupid hands.
So, I’m rusty, but can achieve greatness again. My life is pretty boring after 7pm most days, I’m open to a regular night of playing. My email addy is also listed.
Haven’t been to Yahoo! euchre in a while, so not quite sure of my rating, but if someone’s willing to set up a game or a league (I seem to recall one can do that), I’m interested. Be aware, however, that I work nights, 2100 to 0900 15 days per month, so can be unavailable for up to three days at a time, due to work/eat/sleep. Off nights, however, I’m game.
On preview, I should note, that I’m prone to calling risky hands, and my email is my yahoo profile.
I love Euchre, and I play often at Yahoo. I won’t say I’m great, but I know the rules and I try not to do stupid stuff. My screen name’s in my profile and I’ll check back here to see if a group game gets set up. Nights would likely be the only time I’d be able, but that’d be fun.
I’ve played it on Yahoo in the past, but now there seem to be too many idotic players. I remember one session where my partner and I were totally in sync–our styles complimented each other perfectly and we won many games in a row. Never been able to find that person since.