Anybody know how to make the handlebars MOVE?

So, when a neighbor of mine decided to trade up for a newer, spiffier exercise bike I inheirited her DP Airgometer Sprint.

Now, before I even looked up the manual online, I had the idea just from looking at the thing that the handlebars were supposed to move. However, mine don’t and I’m at a loss (since I’m not exactly what you’d call mechanically minded) as to how to make them do what they’re supposed to do and the manual is no help whatsoever. The company, DP, I believe has gone out of business.

Anybody got any ideas?

I’ve got one (almost) just like it. It’s called a DP AirCiser, but it very similar to the pictures in your brochure. What about the hand grips do not move. Do the pedals move? Each pedal should be connected to the bottom of the hand grip, so if you pedal, the hand grips will move. Can you move the pedals? Maybe that is your problem?

I’ll have to go take a look at it and maybe see if I can take a picture tomorrow when the light is good. The pedals themselves move…I was on it for a half hour Thursday afternoon and a half hour this evening just pedalling my little ass off. But the handlebars seem fixed and I’m not sure how to make them mobile again.

In your linked PDF. On the diagram. Rod 2 connects the bottom of the handlebar to the pedal. Hopefully it’s just disconnected and not lost.

If they’re not connected they should still move, just not in sync with the pedals unless the connecting rod isn’t connected to the peddles and dug itself into the carpet. Hopefully that’s all it is and it’s an easy fix.

If the connecting bar is gone and the previous owner rigged the handles so they don’t move it’s going to be a matter of ‘un rigging’ them, which shouldn’t be a big deal and picking up something like this to reconnect them to the pedals.

Assuming that’s the exact model, there’s no physical way the you can pedal it without the handles moving unless those connecting bars are missing or not attached. I’d start by figuring that out then worry about why you can’t move them by hand (which is what I’m getting from the OP).

Here’s a few pics of the bike itself…you’ll have to excuse the state of my garage.

JoeyP–the manual is for the closest model I can find, because there wasn’t one with the bike when she gave it to me. I believe the bike is from the mid-late 80s or at the very least, the early 90s (based on the colors on the computer bit alone, which are sort of a pink and teal green, which says 80-something to me).

Looks like the bars are bolted to the frame. That strap should be attached to the pedals.

What strap?

Here’s a link to what I hope is the right manual. (PDF)

Sorry, didn’t notice it’s the same manual you found.

The close-up photo of the bolt. That strap.

the strap coach is talking about is the metal piece that is bolted to the frame and the bottom of the handles in the pics you posted. that piece of metal should be attached to the pedal, not the frame

missed by that " much

At a guess. You need to take the strap that’s attached to the frame and flip it around so the bent end attaches to the handle bar and the straight end attaches to the pedal. Choose the hole on the pedal end to determine how far forward you want to be reaching.

Why would you want the handles to move? Won’t your laundry fall off if they do? :smiley:

Ah. See when I think of a strap, I was thinking of a flappy cloth thing…not a metal thing. Sorry.