OK, har har guys. No, the skin flute is not an unusual musical instrument, although I am very proud to learn of your skill in penile embouchure. Thanks for sharing.
This is my first MPSIMS thread. I’m temporarily sick of GD and GQ, where I usually try to hang out.
My primary instrument of late has been the sitar. I have been taking lessons at least once a week for nearly 3 years. My primary reason for starting this thread is to see if there are any other sitar/Indian instrument players. Especially tabla players, especially somewhere in East Texas…
I also own a digeridoo, at which I’m getting better. Add to that a basic knowledge of the bansuri (bamboo flute). I also play the surbahar, but this is basically a big sitar. I am looking after my teachers esraj (bowed Indian instrument) but I can’t make it sound like anything but a screeching cat.
Non-unusual instrument (would that be usual instruments?) :
I also have played guitar (self taught) for 9 years and piano for 16. I have basic knowledge of the penny whistle/recorder family, as well as violin/viola and harmonica. My wife has played violin and piano for her whole life basically, but these aren’t so unusual in my book.
I used to play a kalimba (badly), and I once tried playing an ocarina. That was interesting, because it occured to me that it probably looked like I was trying to play a potato, and I just couldn’t stop laughing. The ocarina’s owner was not impressed.
I’m fairly proficient with the mouth-harp. I might have the name wrong, though, as I’m rather drowsy right now. I picked it up years ago, and that’s what I’ve always called it. It’s what Snoopy plays, if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
Regular Instruments: Bass (electric), trumpet, harmonica, guitar, some keyboard.
I learned how to play the mandolin just so I could play “battle of evermore”, it’s not really an unusual instrument though… I do like those oversize gongs! BaaaWoooonnnnngggggggggggggggggggg…
The Snoopy thing is a Jew’s Harp. Got one. Can’t play a lick. My favorite nontraditional instrument is the melodica. If you can breathe and can play piano with one hand, you’re in. I collect more instruments than I can play. I also have a bodhran.
Let’s see for the unusual instruments I play and own I would have to simply put in the lute and the didjeridu. (I can’t believe someone said that was a difficult instrument to play in a GD thread. It is quite simple.) I can also play the Krumhorn and several other Renaissance instruments but it has been a long time.
[1]Pat: What’s the difference between a man carrying a tuba case on the subway and a Giant Pink Bunny Rabbit on the subway?
Mike: The rabbit MIGHT be headed for a gig…*
The tuba was my goddam main instrument* between sixth grade and all through college; that’s unusual enough for me. Lonely nights sitting by the telephone waiting for someone to call for a tuba player is probably what led me to taking up the saxophone and the flute after I graduated.
If I was starting out today, I’d take up the violin. COUNT those bastards the next time you go to a concert…“lessee…winds in twos…four F horns…two trumpets…two trombones…NO TUBA…and, uh, 487 violin players.” You get “Old Joe Clark” down pat on one of those fucking squawk boxes, and there’s a chair waiting for you with the New York Philharmonic.
Oh, and the bass recorder is probably the most oddball thing I play today. You don’t see too many of THOSE damn things around. Probably because they cost a fortune and are only audible when all the other instruments lay out.
People who play skin flute should learn to play flesh horn; then they could double.
Sorry. Musician humor.
Hey, Ike! What’s unusual about the tuba? I played one for years, even got a nigh-worthless degree in music for playing one way too much… Now, a serpent… that would be unusual…
Lessee here, I play the flute and tinwhistle as my main instruments but I also own a mandocello and I have played a bombard. A bombard is a Breton double reeded instrument that is Extremely Loud and Annoying. When played wth a group it can provide a nice note not unlike the chanters on GHB. Alone, it results in calls to the police.
Ike, I feel your pain–the only trombone gig I ever got was at a dive that wanted to call itself a cabaret. That job made me damn glad I was studying to be an engineer.
Let’s see…bamboo flutes, bamboo saxophone (I made my own :)), harmonic flute, didjeridu (I still have trouble with circular breathing). Nope, no unusual instruments here.
Doesn’t anybody play the saw? I find that absolutely enthralling. On her last album, Sarah McLachlan had an instrumental that was just piano, cello and saw. (IIRC, it won a Grammy last year.)
I, too, am a kazoo virtuoso. I have been known to play an entire song without anyone saying “Shut UP for the love of god”…
And when I was a kid I played the mountain dulcimer. That’s not the hammered kind, but something that looks a little like an elongated violin with four strings that you lay across your lap and play sort of like a steel guitar, but without a slide. I doubt I could play a note anymore… I haven’t played one since I was 13.
YES! More KAZOO people! I think my greatest solo Kazoo achievement has got to be the “flight of the bumblebee”. I once got ten choie people to kazoo the separate parts of Wagner’s “flight of the Valkryes” It was sooo sweet…
I can play the autoharp and the contrabassoon, but since I own neither of these instruments, I have only played them a few times.
I have also played on a calliope before…that was fun!
Regular instruments: Piano, alto saxophone, alto recorder, bassoon, and coming soon, hopefully–mandolin.