Anybody want to hire me?

Is this a terrible misuse of this board?

{Note: blatant advertising snipped. Yes, it’s a terrible misuse of this board. Lynn}

[Edited by Lynn Bodoni on 05-17-2001 at 10:55 PM]

This company is known for cutting slackers a break…

Don’t write such posts. If you do it again, you’ll lose your posting privileges. If you want to place an ad, contact the Chicago Reader and pay for it.

For the Straight Dope


What is your problem? Why can’t a person ask other what’s a good place to get employment at? It’s a valid question (no less so than a lot of the garbage that is posted here)

I can’t stand people like you who are such control freaks. It’s not like I was putting my resume online or anything. If I had worded it a little different would it have been better? Anyway I doubt that this message will ever see the light of day (God forbid actually QUESTION something around here) So get a life, censure me if you must (it’s not like it’ll be that hard to get around it anyway) I’m sure it will make your day.

Please do not end a sentence with a preposition at the Straight Dope Message Board. Also, this is the wrong forum for personal attacks and/or complaints about moderator actions. Any further comments should be in The BBQ Pit forum.