Anyone been here longer?

Another 99er, with a three-digit user number.

When did this “pay to post” thing happen? I dropped off the radar in early 2002.

96 days and counting…

I’m on an iPad, so can’t really “hover” to get my member number.Is mine 132737?

I got that from: User CP > Your Profile > Contact Info > This Page

132737 is the last part of that string.

You both have me beat by days. Only in this thread is Feb. '01 a late join date.

June 14, 1999 is your exact join date. How can you have been here this long and not know how to figure that out? :wink:

Anyone been here since '99 with a post count lower than mine?

Total Posts: 170
Posts Per Day: 0.04

Join Date: 07-14-1999

Back to lurking!

I just signed up!

After reading this thread, I’m starting to feel that way too, and I’m coming up on 12 years here. Though I was reading the SDMB starting in about the summer of '99.

Oh well. At least I have a four-digit user number. :smiley:

I’m another 99er.

Edit: I may have dragged Spoons into this place. Though it was another co-worker who had the books, and got me interested in it…

June 19th, 2000.

12 years and change.

99er, & rarely missed a day.

It was some sort of an odd brain fart since I know I looked up some else’s a few weeks ago for some reason or another.

My twelve year anniversary is coming up on the 17th. Wow…

Though I’ve taken posting hiatuses, like when we had to pay to post. I still read the Dope regularly though…

I’m user #46, joined in March '99.

Now sit down and let me tell you about the good old days…

3/29/2001 Yikes, thats a lot longer than I thought. I had to look at the date twice.

If you put your cursor over the username link, doesn’t it show the corresponding URL at the bottom of the Safari window, in the status bar? If you don’t have a status bar, there’s a way to show it from the View menu or something like that.

Oh, and my Join Date is October 1999 as you can see at the top right of my post (do Guests see Join Dates?) I was at one of the very first Dopefests in Los Angeles. A lot of changes at the board and in my life since then!

Another thought - if you have been here this long, shouldn’t you be sending in a photo to our picture gallery? Not all of you are represented. A bunch of you aren’t!


March 15, 1999
User #199

PunditLisa (among others, reading the first page) has me beat though