I actually looked at your stuff yesterday. Well. The family pics before the stuff you’ve made (because I’m JUST that much of a sentimental slob). Adorable kids, very pretty wife, and I’m very impressed with the lighthouse. In fact, I was going to email you and ask what you’d charge as I know someone who collects them.
The craft page has long narrow text along side pictures with nothing on them. I would suggest having the text flow around the pictures, and using the space under them.
Thanks Maureen, I’m pretty proud of my little family.
I only make the stuff for fun and to de-stress. With the success of the lighthouse, I probably will start making gifts. That was my self appointed Journeyman project. As I make my own plans, I have to learn, create and rework as I go.
Good Idea, I’ll have to see if I can get Front page to do that.
I love the site you linked. It might inspire my next project.
In my case I wanted to be able post pictures on a site I mostly control to share with friends and family.
The trains is a big renewed interest and a slowly evolving project. A few people have asked about, including a friend in California.
The “things I have built” shows a growing skill at a craft I enjoy. I am actually proud of it and basically just showing off. (I know, like a little kid, but at least I am honest about it)
The Links Page is handy if I am at someone else’s house and a question comes up. I hope it might be handy for others. Some of the Baseball links are hard to find and cover good details on players contracts.
I also wanted to practice building a Website. This is a good basic start. I might eventually volunteer to take over the website maintenance for group I am with.
This Op was to get some advice, and it has already helped.
I like it - clean, straightforward, no clutter, and no godawful color combinations. Keep it simple like it is. The lighthouse is way cool too (things I built).
I like it - it’s a basic page that you’ve set up to do what you want, and it doesn’t have any of the things I find super annoying (flashing text, lots of animation or the like).
The only thing I’d adjust would be the links page (and I think that’s what you meant when you said that it was one of the things you weren’t happy with). I’d go with a straight list, so each link is on an individual line. The code for that is fairly simple for each section - I’m not sure how to work it in Frontpage, but it’s an unordered list and if you hand coded it, the code for each section would be:
< ul>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< /ul>