Anyone care to critique or just look at my Website?

I created it Saturday in about 2 hours using a 2002 version of Microsoft Frontpage. 30 day Trial. I spent about another hour prepping the pictures.

It is the first time I used FrontPage, so I am fairly happy at this first stab.

I am not overjoyed with the links or the picture strip.

On the Homepage, the Right Arrow does not always display.

This is the link.

I especially want to show off my Things I have Built page.


Very cool Jim.

I can’t build things, so I can appreciate people that can.

You were quite the dapper fella at your wedding.

I mean, I’m sure you are now, and all…

Never mind. Very cool.

I like the website,
It’s to the point, clean-cut…suited for the amount of content you have

i didn’t have any problems with the arrows showing up nor navigating with them…

of course, it could use a header and some welcome news

good job,

i love trains, i flew to sacramento a couple weeks ago to visit the train museum, i hope to see more of them

Thank you, don’t worry, I am not a dapper figure anymore but I am fairly comfortable in my skin (much chubbier but ok).

MessyPaint: I plan to add some Train links eventually.
We just went to Northlandz on Sunday. The world’s large minature train setup.


I actually looked at your stuff yesterday. Well. The family pics before the stuff you’ve made (because I’m JUST that much of a sentimental slob). Adorable kids, very pretty wife, and I’m very impressed with the lighthouse. In fact, I was going to email you and ask what you’d charge as I know someone who collects them.

Having a dial up connection, I’d say it loads in an aceptable time, and you didn’t fill the site with flash animation. It’s an easy to navigate page.

My only problem is that I have to scroll quite a bit to the right to get the whole page in.

I like the general setup, though.

The craft page has long narrow text along side pictures with nothing on them. I would suggest having the text flow around the pictures, and using the space under them.

Nice site! I didn’t have any problems navigating around it.

I try to make wooden things, too. Toys especially.

I don’t know how to post a pic, but I like to make things like this (but not nearly as nice).

Rats- bad link above. Try this one:

Thanks Maureen, I’m pretty proud of my little family.
I only make the stuff for fun and to de-stress. With the success of the lighthouse, I probably will start making gifts. That was my self appointed Journeyman project. As I make my own plans, I have to learn, create and rework as I go.

Good Idea, I’ll have to see if I can get Front page to do that.

I love the site you linked. It might inspire my next project.


I made a few tweaks, the Things I made Page should look a little better now.
Thanks again Harmonious Discord


Mind if I ask what’s the point Jim? I’m not trying to be snarky at all, I like you but I don’t understand why people do this.

In my case I wanted to be able post pictures on a site I mostly control to share with friends and family.
The trains is a big renewed interest and a slowly evolving project. A few people have asked about, including a friend in California.
The “things I have built” shows a growing skill at a craft I enjoy. I am actually proud of it and basically just showing off. (I know, like a little kid, but at least I am honest about it)
The Links Page is handy if I am at someone else’s house and a question comes up. I hope it might be handy for others. Some of the Baseball links are hard to find and cover good details on players contracts.
I also wanted to practice building a Website. This is a good basic start. I might eventually volunteer to take over the website maintenance for group I am with.

This Op was to get some advice, and it has already helped.


OK I get it now. As I said, no snark was intended at all I was just curious. It looks real good to me. Nice to put a face to the “exit” too. :slight_smile:

I like it - clean, straightforward, no clutter, and no godawful color combinations. Keep it simple like it is. The lighthouse is way cool too (things I built).

I like it - it’s a basic page that you’ve set up to do what you want, and it doesn’t have any of the things I find super annoying (flashing text, lots of animation or the like).

The only thing I’d adjust would be the links page (and I think that’s what you meant when you said that it was one of the things you weren’t happy with). I’d go with a straight list, so each link is on an individual line. The code for that is fairly simple for each section - I’m not sure how to work it in Frontpage, but it’s an unordered list and if you hand coded it, the code for each section would be:

< ul>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< li> Link information< /li>
< /ul>

(without the extra spaces).

On the links page I condense to reduce the length of the page.
Perhaps two crisp columns would be better?

Thank you,

That would look nice - especially if Frontpage lets you set both columns to the same width.

I tried, there is no column device in Front Page. I will have to construct a small table to do the trick.
