Has anyone here completed a 1911 80% frame?
I’m thinking about it and looking for suggestions.
Has anyone here completed a 1911 80% frame?
I’m thinking about it and looking for suggestions.
I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.
You young people and your crazy slang!
That would be a frame for a Colt M-1911 .45 ACP pistol, twickster. Although the frame could be used to fire other calibers as well.
What do you mean by 80%?
Series 80?
An 80% receiver or frame is one that is 80% completed by the manufacturer. It is not legally a firearm, as a completed receiver is, and can be bought and sold with no restrictions. By completing it, you are constructing a firearm for personal use. As long as you are not building a gun that is banned in your state/area (Such as an AR-15 or AK clone here in CA) it is perfectly legal.
And much cheaper than buying a finished receiver/frame.
I’ve been reading up on it, and it seems as though doing this with a 1911 frame is much more difficult (parts must be individually fitted) than with, say, an AK. I was hoping someone here has done this before and could offer some advice on the process.