Anyone else have vision issues while on the computer?

On the plus side, glasses are almost “disposable” cheap, these days. I only get the expensive ones for my daily wear and my work computer glasses. Everything else is from the Internet. Need eight pairs to cover all your activities? That’s probably overkill, but it’s affordable if you want to do it.

How does this fit in with my Rx?

I do the same but with contacts. When I drive to work, I wear a -4.25 in the left eye and a -4.00 in the right eye. at work, I switch the one in the left eye to a -2.25. the right eye stays at normal distance vision. when I’m reading the screen my left eye takes over. When I look up at the clock, the right eye does the work. Amazingly easy to get used to.

I have a computer-related vision problem which I’ve mentioned before that no one in the thread has mentioned. It is “map-dot-fingerprint dystrophy” (causing monocular diplopia). The ophthalmologist said the likely cause was spending too much time staring at a computer screen … and forgetting to blink!

GENTEAL® eye drops (which I call “artificial tears”) may be a good remedy.