Anyone ever gone on a Vision Quest?

If you have, might you be a sport and share what motivated you, where you went, how long it lasted, … and what interesting things, if any, occurred?

Thanks Much!!:slight_smile:

Since the OP is looking for shared experiences, let’s move this from General Questions to IMHO.

samclem, mmoderator


Marriage was on the rocks, so I threw my bike into the car and drove to vermont. Went out riding. Fell off the bike three times. Realized that I was out in the middle of nowhere and they would not find my body for days because I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. Decided to ride back on the access road and half way up the mountain I had a vision of three old fashions, a great steak dinner, a tattoo and a divorce. So that’s what I got. In that order.

I don’t want to skew the results, but I did the “Jesus Camp” version of a Vision Quest (they would die a million deaths to hear me compare the two things) and it was, at the time, very spiritually affirming and cathartic.

We each spent a couple of days and one night out in the woods in hot-and-humid-as-hell southeast. We “hiked out” (with plenty of water but no food, like a mile at most) at dawn one day, spent the entire day alone in prayer and searching the Bible, spent the night alone out there (we were supposed to attempt to stay awake all night, but I didn’t quite manage it), prayed and soul-searched all through the second day, and were “retrieved” by a counselor at dusk, whereupon we all congregated in the chapel to talk about our experiences and what we heard from God.

I have always had very vivid dreams, that I remember very clearly, and at that time in my life, I (with church support) interpreted that vividness and recall as signs that they were therefore visions and of spiritual importance. I was also suffering from a suppressed general anxiety disorder, so I was also very sensitive and generally overwrought just in general. I don’t remember what I dreamed about that night, but I do remember that being out in the woods where I could relax and daydream and wool-gather was very calming and restorative spiritually and mentally. It was lovely to be out there on my own with no one to think about impressing, or to worry about whether I was helping them the way I should, or if I was doing something wrong.

On the flip side, when we all came back that night, I was **physically **starving and whacked out from lack of sleep, and the emotional high from everyone relating their own intense experiences shattered me - I spent the evening sobbing over everyone else’s stories, so by the time it was my turn, I couldn’t even get out a coherent narrative of my time out there. Got a lot of hugs from people tho! :smiley:

Interesting. But what is “three old fashions”? I mean I’ve never heard the expression before.:smiley:

“suppressed general anxiety disorder”? Hmm I’ll have to google that. It sounds like all in all it wasn’t that fun, but was, as you say, cathartic. Thanks for sharing and I hope all’s going well for you these days.:slight_smile:

Bourbon Old Fashioned x 3

Yes, it started out as a common walkabout, but soon I got a message that this would last longer then I expected. I have commonly done walkabouts, seeking answers and directions or if I felt I needed to. It was 10 days in total, some on a hill top, some in a city, and finally ending at home.

Interesting things, I was not dressed for a cold night on a hill top, temps were in the 20’s that night, and I was cold and uncomfortable so, yet never lost feeling in my hands and toes,nor mobility. Later in the city and inside people complained how hot it was, while I felt mildly chilly. It was like that extra cold was not given to me on that hilltop but I was allowed to experience it over the next week.

While on the hill top a area a light surrounded me and cast shadows away from me.

As I approached the hilltop I met this woman who reminded me of a friend, we talked briefly, her steps left no footprints in the snow.

Another friend I found out months later, had a overwhelming need to pray for my well being during this time, he did not know about what I was going through and why he was praying till months later. Dates and times matched.

Thanks for that! I’ve never had a Bourbon, so maybe that explains my ignorance. But from now on I shall know.:wink: