Anyone ever heard of...

A Henrietta stuffed animal? I am trying to find one. I believe there are also “Henry” animals. I once owned one (it was my favorite), but it was destroyed in a fire when I was 17. I am looking to buy one for my daughter. Mine was bought in about 1984 in Vermont. I saw some for sale when I was about 10 in Pennslyvania. The dogs are about 2 1/2 feet tall “standing” and they are tan w/ dark brown ears and tail. They have red tongues that are felt. On the chests of these stuffed friends are their name tags. Please help me locate one via web or store for my baby. I would appreciate any help.

Check out eBay, the world’s biggest garage sale:

Henrietta Stuffed Toy Dog Animal Fair 1975

Only $15 so far, but there’s six more days to go…

Thank You so much. I just registered with E Bay and will try to get it! My appreciation is extreme!