Anyone excited about the Torchwood Debut?

Tonights the big start. :smiley:

I hope this time they can keep the original humor from the early seasons. I stopped watching after season 2 because it got to dark. Too depressing.

I’m giving the reboot a chance. I like Jack and adore Eve. I’m open to a fresh start. I’m curious to see what they have planned.
The Review sounds promising.

Me me me! I’m excited!

I wonder if they’ll take a more adult approach like True Blood? It’s cable and they can curse now. :wink:

I thought Torchwood was already in a later British time slot so they could curse and have lots of sex.

As long as Jack unambiguously has more sex with guys than girls. I have a fear that in an Americanized version they’ll let him have one quick gayish scene and then he’ll boff women the rest of the season.

According to this interview with John Barrowman,

John Barrowman also promised lots of nudity. Looking forward to that too. :smiley:


My vote is Gwen gets some hot sex too. :wink: I’ll fast forward through any Barrowman sex scenes. I can always look at my own hairy ass in a mirror. I don’t need to see his.

I recorded tonights show. Will watch tomorrow.

Decided to stay up another hour and watch the debut.

Looks really good so far. I like the plot setup that brings Jack and Gwen to America. I won’t say much more because of spoilers.

LMAO when I saw the Black Lady News Anchor again. She became an inside joke on Davies’ version of Doctor Who. Anytime all hell broke out world wide, she’d be on the Air announcing the end of the world. Nice seeing her again. I don’t think she’s appeared on Doctor Who since the 11th Doctor started.

With Torchwood, these are Dead Actors Walking. I’ve never seen a cast of Actors killed off like Russell T. Davies did with Torchwood. Can’t help but wonder who’ll be the first cast member killed off. We all know it’ll happen. Always does on Torchwood. They better not kill of Gwen or I’ll be gone. She’s the main reason I watch.

:confused: :confused:

The show aired hours ago and nobody is talking? Guess I’ll shift over to Gallifrey Base.

I’ve heard the UK will see Torchwood next week. For years BBC America showed Doctor Who a week late. Now the shoe is on the other foot in the UK.

Since it will air in the UK. I don’t expect any normal cable stuff like cursing or nudity. They got to keep it pretty clean so it can air unedited in the UK. That’s fine. Really, if I want nasty stuff, I’ll watch an R rated movie.

Haven’t seen it yet, obviously (what’s that all about? I would have thought they’d at least air on the same night, but hey ho! - it’s Thursday for us) but this warrants a slight clarification I think. In the UK we don’t really have the same split of cable/network suitability, although it does exist to a very small degree. It certainly isn’t the case that swearing or nudity wouldn’t happen on a terrestrial channel, this is something that would be covered by the timing of the broadcast. In an adult-audience programme, like Torchwood kind of is, intended for broadcast after the so-called ‘watershed’, swearing and nudity are not at all unknown. Where we tend to see more restrictions is on levels of violence which air.

I watched last night. I enjoyed the show. I went ahead and set up my DVR to record the series. Does anybody know how many episodes we’ll get his first go around? I was a little disappointed they didn’t give us a two hour premiere.

Ten episodes, according to Wikipedia.

I enjoyed it. Not quite as good as Children Of Earth (there was no great “We are coming back” moment), but still loads better than the first two seasons. If the show sticks around, they better stick to this sort of “mini-series” format. It’s clearly working for them.

I loved the whole “autopsy” scene with the doctor who had no idea to even describe what they were seeing. Although after they cut off the guy’s head, my first thought was “destroy the brain!”

Anyone know when it’s going to be on Hulu or Netflix? I really want to see it, but I really don’t otherwise have a need for Starz.



The first episode was on the Starz website. I don’t know they’re going to continue like that. I hope, because I don’t have cable.

I’d be surprised if they do have the remaining episodes on their website. (Since that would make it unnecessary to subscribe to the cable channel.)

Yeah, I would be as well. But I can dream…

It was okay, but pretty slow. I don’t think they’ll grab a ton of new viewers like that.

What’s with the Wales humor they hamfisted in? The CIA guy bitched because there’s a bridge and you have to pay a toll. I guess Brits would think that’s funny somehow? Sure seemed like I was supposed to be laughing about something. Wales is like New Jersey? So?

Is this a season, like the original Torchwood, or is this a long miniseries kind of thing like Children of Earth?

It’s nice to see Gwen and Jack (and Gwen’s hubby and Andy her old cop buddy) again. They were the anchors of the old team anyway.

As for the story, I’m thinking burning should do the trick. If people aren’t healing or reconstituting, that has to be permanent, right?

If I were that rapist murderer guy, I wouldn’t be so quick to return to the public. Think what an angry mob could do to him now.

I actually chuckled a bit at that part. IMHO I didn’t think it was a specifically Wales thing but that he was so flustered he’d bitch about anything. It’s like one of those days when nothing’s going right so you bitch about a stupid red light, even though it doesn’t make any sense.