Anyone good at getting Street View from Google?

I’m trying to get a picture of a house my folks lived in 1967.

For some reason, I can’t get into street view. With my own house if you click the + enough it goes into street view. You can even see my vehicle. I’m not having any luck with this old address from 1966.

this is a major metro area. Anyone know a way to get a pic of the front of the house and then go down the street (street view)?

We could see the Cranberry bogs from our window. Looks like they are still there. The big area on the left with no houses. :slight_smile:

I have never used google earth. It wants to download a tool bar and I’m nervous about that. Is there any charge for google earth? would they have a pic of the house?

We moved to another state after dad got back from Viet Nam. But, kept the house until 1977. We always dreamed of going back. But, it wasn’t meant to be.

Google doesn’t have a map of that street. If you drag the person icon onto the map, it will highlight all the areas it has maps of in purple. That street isn’t one of them.

There is no street view for that location. When you grab the “street view man” icon, all the viewable streets will be outlined in blue(or purple for some people). The sidestreets off of Barnstable haven’t been captured yet, or they’ve been excluded for some reason.

*eta: beat me to it! *

ok I see what you mean about the roads in blue.

Oh well. I did get a get shot of the cranberry bogs. :wink: Glad to see they are still there after 45 years.

maybe someday they’ll do the streets off that main road.

I did go ahead and download the google earth plug in. Wasn’t very impressed. I didn’t really see anything extra.


You can get a pretty good view of the area with Bing maps - it’s not detailed enough to pick out individual house features, but you get a great view of the cranberry bogs.

I’ve taken a screenprint here:

Nice map pic. I’m printing it now. thanks

Amazing after 45 years that area still has an undeveloped feel to it. Thanks to the bog and the large house lots.

Cape Cod is the hottest tourist area on the east coast. My parents still talk about the traffic when they lived there. I shudder to think what it’s like now. My dad was stationed at an Air Base close by. Otherwise we wouldn’t have ever lived there.