Ok, sorry it took so long to get back to you all about your comments. I have been paying attention and wanted to get your feedback. Here’s where I’m at:
I ran the code through there, and it said I had issues with the xhtml tags (even though I copied them straight out of the SAMS book.) For the sake of simplicity, I just re-wrote the page, stripping it of everything but the most basic HTML code elements. But I’m still frustrated.
Yes, that’s the first thing I did and it’s basically the source of my problem. When I attempted to open the page in Firefox, either one of two things happened…
- The page opened, but it showed the actual written HTML code commands, not the page as it should appear.
- The browser went bezerk and began opening an endless succession of blank ‘untitled’ browser windows.
No, the style commands are embedded in the page. But as I said, I’m trying to keep this simple as possible. Hopefully, if I can get the page to work right, I want to hook it up to a web-site that does have a separate CSS folder.
Well, here’s the stripped-down version:
<title>Narrows Botanical Gardens Special Events</title>
<meta-name=“description” content=“Upcoming events in the NBG during 2010.” />
<meta-name=“keywords” content=“Bay ridge, brooklyn, narrows, botanical, gardens, flowers, roses, events, 2010, plant, plants, sale, art, show, summer, series, high tea, film cinema” />
body {font-family:comic-sans,arial;font-size:12pt;color:88a08}
h1 {font-family: Impact, times new roman, serif; font-size:14pt;color:228b22}
h3 {font-family:garamond, times new roman, serif;color:daa520}
a:link {text-decoration:none; color:228b22}
hr {color:red; height:4}
table {width:100%}
<p><h1>Narrows Botanical Gardens</h1></P>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/home.html”>Home</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/about.html”>About</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/maps.html”>Maps</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/events.html”>Events</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/kids.html”>KIDS</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/join.html”>Join</a></td>
<td><a href=“http://www.narrowsbg.org/join.html”>Contact</a></td>
<a name=“thetop” />
<p><h2>Upcoming Events at the NBG in 2010<h2></p>
<hr />
<p><h3>Annual Spring Plant Sale & Art Show</h3></p>
<p><em>Just in time for Mother’s Day! A sale of all your perennial favorites, as well as rare & exotic plants, many of them grown in the NBG’s own green-house. Also a preview of our Summer Art Series!</em></p>
<li>Saturday, May 1st, 10am - 3pm</li>
<li>Rain-date: May 8th</li>
<p><h3>Gallery 364 of Bay Ridge presents</p>
<p>The SUMMER ART Series</h3></p>
<p><em>A recurring Art Show featuring local artists displaying & selling their works along the NBG promenade on Sundays throughout spring & summer.</em></p>
<li>May 16, 23, June 6, 13, July 11, August 15, 22, September 19, 26, noon - 5pm (weather permitting)</li>
<li>Artists interested in participating, contact georgine@gallery364.com</li>
<p><h3>High Tea at the NBG</h3></p>
<p><em>A traditional high tea to benefit the NBG rose gardens. Featuring: Sarah Owens (Rosarian at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens), Michael Mauro (Curator of plant families at BBG), Light Menu by Daisy Martinez (Host of the Food Networks’ “Viva Daisy” cooking show) and tours of the NBG rose gardens by landscape designers James Johnson & Richard Haugland.</em></p>
<li>Tickets: $40.00, limited seating available!</li>
<li>RSVP by May 1st to: Helen Bruno, 718-748-0708 or lemoni12@aol.com</li>
<li>Sunday, June 6th, 4pm</li>
<li>Rain date: June 13th</li>
<p><h3>Free Outdoor Cinema Series</h3></p>
<p><em>Grab a blanket or a pair of folding chairs, and join us as we watch classic movies on the NBG lawn under the starts. A 50/50 raffle will be held and popcorn & snacks will be sold./em></p>
<p><h3>MILDRED PIERCE</h3></p>
<p><em>The 1947 classic melodrama starring the legendary Joan Crawford!</em></p>
<li>Thursday, July 8th @ sundown</li>
<li>Rain date: Friday, July 9th</li>
<p><h3>FINDING NEMO</h3><p>
<p><em>It’s kids night out! Bring the whole family to see the beloved, ground-breaking animated Pixar film.</em></p>
<li>Thursday, July 22nd @ sundown</li>
<li>Rain date: Friday, July 23rd</li>
<p><h3>BLIND SIDE</h3></p>
<p><em>The film that won Sandra Bullock the 2010 Academy Award for Best Actress. Also starring Forrest Whittaker.</em></p>
<li>Thursday, August 12th @ sundown</li>
<li>Rain date: Friday, August 13th</li>
<p>Keep watching this page for more information on events held at the NBG in 2010!</p>
<a id=“thetop”><center><em>TOP</em><center></a>