anyone here a couchsurfer ?

i have been a couchsurfer host for almost four years …its been a lot of fun …i have met so many cool people …

i had one guy i didnt really enjoy …but he was harmless …he was interesting …but looked at everything through a reporters eyes …i felt like a specimen

i have an artist coming next week …artists are usually quirkie so i am looking forward to it …

Link? Description? Something?

oops …

The only couchsurfing I’ve ever been involved in has been with my remote control. :smiley:

From Wikipedia:

From what I can tell, it’s a company/website where you can offer your house for free temporary stays of people you don’t know. You can also go look there for free places to stay.

Interesting. I didn’t read the wiki article, but based on that description, it sounds like a ‘Westernized’ version of the rural-desert-Arab-Pashtun tradition which works the same way.

I totally thought this would be about cruising the Internet with a smartphone or tablet/IPad while reclined on one’s couch, something I recently discovered to be on of life’s pleasures.

Sounds like the plot to Hostel Part 7 or something.

Sounds like fun. Unfortunately I don’t have a couch.

I have a couch surfer in my house right now. She and I were actually introduced by a mutual friend, but on her current cross-country travels she is staying with several hosts from

It’s a pretty cool idea, but I don’t know if I would ever have the nerve to use it myself.

Oh, yes. I’m a quite active Surfer. I just got home from the Pittsburgh Couch Crash which is always a good time. I usually get about five surfer requests per month, more in the summer. So far, I’ve hosted people from Dublin, Germany, Denmark, Manchester, China, L.A., Florida, California (not LA), Seattle…that’s all I can think of right now. I’ve surfed in both Europe and the U.S.

In better, younger days, I have both surfed and been a host, on the Esperanto-language equivalent, Pasporta Servo.

I’ve had friends that have couchsurfed/hosted. I was going to try hosting people this summer, but it got really hot in Chicago and I don’t have central AC. My window AC unit is only powerful enough for my bedroom, so I would’ve felt bad making people sleep in the scorching living room. Now that the weather has cooled off, I think I might give it a shot.

So how does this work if you have to work? Do people usually just expect a couch for the night and then leave the next morning when you do, or do you give them a key to treat the home like a hotel? Is it usually just a night or so at a time?

Yeah, I’m curious. Is there any sort of back-ground checking, or waivers to sign, or I don’t know, something to mitigate letting total strangers (who could be serial rapists for all I know) have access to me and all my shit?

I’m ignorant to this. To me, ‘couchsurfing’ has always been, “hey my wife kicked me out, can I stay with you for a few weeks?” not … “Hi, perfect stranger, there’s my couch, and my TeeVee and my computer and a bunch of other expensive shit that I’m sure you would never think of stealing and please don’t kill me in my sleep either.”

when i get a request …i read the request …if it sounds like a cut and copy to several people i dont usually respond …

i dont respond to people that want to plan well in advance…they are usually vacationers and not travellers …

most people ask for 3 days stay …i had one surfer who wanted to stay longer after his first 3 days …we made a deal …he was a gourmet cook …he cooked two gourmet meals a day and stayed for another week …yum

i am very particular … don’t even answer most requests …

i don’t work …so i don’t have that problem of leaving someone in the house …

I’ve wanted to be a couch surfer host (not sure if I’d ever want to do any surfing myself), but we have SO many big comfortable couches in our house… they are practically just going to waste. Our house could be a veritable couch surfing hotel… and I am off half the year so it would be a good way to keep me entertained and meet new people from around the world. I am trying to talk my roommates into it but they are skeptical we will get weird people who steal/break our things.

my couchsurfers get to sleep in a bed …they can choose …inside or outside …or a tent in the yard …

i havent surfed either …even though i travelled throughout europe and africa last year …

Some people say “I’m up at 6 and out the door at 7. You have to be gone by then.” Some say “Here’s a key. There’s food in the fridge. Lock the door when you leave.” You work this stuff out before you agree to host them. If it’s something reoccurring, like working a schedule, you can just put it in your profile and when they request to stay with you, you ask “Did you read the profile? Do you agree to the terms?” Usually, people realize they’re your guest and they conduct themselves accordingly. I’ve never had a problem “throwing out” a surfer when I have to go to work or anything. They expect it.

Usually it’s for two or three nights. You’re normally expected to actually spend time together in your non-busy time. So if I have a surfer, I’ll take them to a local restaurant or help them tour the National Mall or something. Whatever I have time for. If I don’t have time for anything, then I just deny the request.

There are three safety measures built in. One is the verification system, which has three levels. You have to verify your name and address by receiving a code on a postcard through the mail and entering that code into the website. Then people know you’re a real person with a real address.

The second is the voucher system. If you have three vouches, you can vouch for someone else. It’s like letting someone into the trusted circle. I never vouch for anyone whose home I’ve never seen. But most of the DCers? Yeah, they get a vouch from me. I collected a few of mine by showing up at the meetings and throwing a party.

The third method is the reference system. After you surf, you leave a reference. I have about 30. Some have none. I get a lot of requests because I have pictures on my profile, stuff about my hobbies, and a lot of references, so people figure I’m trustworthy. The references are the best system, I think, because people leave actual comments about you like “He’s a great cook”, or “Ask her to tell you her Brazil story!” The subtext is that it’s also a way to say thanks to your host/surfer for an enjoyable experience. Some people get negative references (“He tried to grope me all night!”, “She left me at a party in a strange town and I had to get a hotel”, etc.), and these can be the kiss of death. Having one negative will make someone wary, and having two will end your career quickly.

There’s also the safety factor that while the host is exposed to theft from a surfer, the surfer is at even more of a disadvantage because they’re far from home and only have a backpack. So the only people on CouchSurfing are…well, the type of people that would do CouchSurfing. The culture kind of weeds out the creepers and murderers. There are millions and millions of surfing experiences annually, and no one has ever been murdered yet. I feel safe.

Finally, remember that you can be a participating member without ever hosting or surfing at all. You can just go to events with your local group. Our group has plenty of people that only come to the happy hours, museum tours, baseball games, potlucks, drum circles, etc. It’s not a program so much as it is a community.
That being said, anyone that wants to go to some DC surfing events, PM me and I’ll make sure you have a good time.

What’s the difference?

i vacationer or tourist is much different than a traveler …tourists usually go to one place …a hotel usually …condo or such …have suitcases to the hilt …

a traveler usually is on the go …not on a set schedule, wants to meet the locals …is open to change …will jump at the chance to do something different …and travels lightly

last year i sorta had in mind to go to africa by way of amsterdam …i wanted to travel for a month …they were the only two places i wanted to go …after amsterdam i couldnt fly out to africa because of the volcano …i went to paris by train …stayed a few days …then traveled by bus to marrakech…i loved it so much i stayed for 12 days …then i couldnt get a flight to kenya …so i went to egypt …stayed there a week …and finally got a flight to kenya …i was away from home 10 weeks …with only a backpack …and passport …