Anyone know any Seattle area career counselors?

Basic situation is this: I want to try to find a job that makes more money. I have been doing Technical Support for close to 8 years. While I am not a network administrator I do know quite a bit about them, as well as a host of software thingies.

I currently work for a small company that is struggling and not only have I not had a raise in 2 and a half years, I have received a pay cut (10%) a year ago (5% of which was recently restored).

So, I really want to do something about it but am just not having luck finding another job through conventional means. Any suggestions?

No, really, I’m suffering here.

Sorry, no suggestions for you Binary. But say, can I have your old job when you find a new one?

Laid Off Seattle Area Support Technician™

Yeah, I do know that in some respects I am one of the lucky ones. Still, I am basically using my overdraft protection as a line item of my budget.

Ditto, subsitute Miami area, and add “who is knowledgeable enough to critique a technical resume intelligently and provide interview training”.

I have no idea if this guy is actually good at getting you a new career or if he’s more of a cheerleader, but he’s based in Seattle: Curt Rosengren, Passion Catalyst. I’m only familiar with him through his blog.