Anyone play "Eve Online," the BIG space game?

Got a free 14 day pass. It’s fascinating - sort of Elite on steroids, or the game that “Freespace” should have been. It’s very slow, but awfully deep.

The website:

Until today I quite honestly had never heard of it. Without a manual or a decent guide it’s not easy, though - some screens are a little hard to navigate, and the skill system is not easily comprehended. But geez, what a game.

I played it for a bit. It seemed like if you decided to go gung-ho for it and RP and fight in Galactic Wars and such then it would be great. But anything less and you’re largely left with a chatbox and some buttons to fiddle with while waiting for responses on the chatbox.

I do think it’s a good game, just saying that you might want to prepare yourself for a whole lot of gruntwork if you’re coming into expecting Galactic War! right off the bat.

I played in the beta a year or two back and really liked the feel of it. Easily the most realistic space environment I’ve com across in a game. I’m not much of an MMO player, though, so not sure how well it would work long-term.