Anyone playing Earth and Beyond?

I am semi interested in picking up this game? It is a MMORPG for those that don’t know and will likely be a big time sink since that is what MMORPG’s are good at doing. So, what is it like?

I play it. I like it.

My ship is called the Hydrophobic Fisherman. I go under the name Wonko. It’s pretty fun. You do get missions, but you don’t have to take them. Mostly the missions get you upgrades for your ship’s hull, so you can carry more cargo for trading, and mount more weapons for combat. You get experience points for exploration, trade and combat. You can get money from combat, trade, and mining asteroids. I enjoy it because you can go mining/combat with a group of people and the co-operation benefits everyone in the group. I also like the nice bit where you can pay cash for a game code card at Electronics Boutique. It runs about 39 bucks for three months. I don’t like giving out my credit card number for something like that. There is a demo out, I reccomend you try it.

Where does the MMORPG part run into it? Do you have a link for their homepage. I did a search but only came back with a whole lot of reviews.

There is a plot regarding what is going on in the game, but I mostly just fly around advancing my character so far.

The Demo is 1.2 GB, and you need a credit card for verification. Also, the Demo is only good for 5 days.

My friend is addicted, has pages of notes and spreadsheets for trading.

I tried it briefly, but got lost then bored. My ship’s name was ‘Hot Needle of Inquisition’, surprised it wasn’t taken yet.

Probably not long before I get banned, my character’s name was Klytaurus.