Anyone playing Enshrouded?

Searched and didn’t find an Enshrouded thread.

I know Palworld is the cat’s pajamas right now and I’m enjoying it myself too, but I’ve been spending more and more time with the Enshrouded Early Access build.

In case you haven’t seen it yet: Where Palworld is like Ark with cute critters and some quality of life improvements (and minus the PVP), Enshrouded is more like Valheim, if valheim’s map was not procedurally generated, but instead hand crafted with every nook and cranny offering some sort of challenge or reward.

The building is a lot of fun and so is the main game loop of exploration, quests, gear and upgrades, and base building.

It’s not perfect and I hope by the end of early access that they make some changes. I’d love to see base Raids as an option, I’d like to see combat tweaked and tightened up a bit more as well.

Anyone playing? I’ve been going solo and I’m looking to go try it with a group.

I saw it last week when I wandered into Early Access for Palworld. Definitely up my alley, but I don’t know when I’ll have time to play it. Too many other things taking up time. Definitely let me know how it goes, though, it’s on the “Eventually” list.


A week ago, my brother mentioned this game as an option for co-op play. Since I hardly ever get to see him anymore, and online play is the main way we connect, I bought the game–

and promptly crashed my computer (as detailed in this thread).

An incredibly kind soul, who may or may not wish to remain anonymous, offered to let me borrow a more robust video card; and on installing it, I found that Enshrouded works, and is fabulous.

The building system is more robust than Valheim’s, with a few kinks that might be more a “me” problem than a “them” problem (or at least, they just need some better tooltips to explain what’s happening). The addition of a deep skill/leveling system is a welcome change. There are a ton of quests and a ton of lore. And the map has edges on it that are ripe for expansion.

It’s not perfect. The combat could use some fine-tuning, to make different attack types feel really different. My game crashes about once every two hours. Some voice-acting with the quests would be appreciated. But the bones of the game are very, very good, and I’m definitely hooked.

I added this to my wish list, but how would this play as a single player experience?

I’m playing it like 90% single-player. But you can easily move characters between SP and MP servers. When I play with my brother, we’ve been playing with separate characters–but there’s an option to bring in higher-power characters to help newbies get a leg up.

So yeah, it works just fine single-player. I’ve only hit one roadblock (the game’s first major boss fight, at level 12 or so), and since then I’ve been leveling up and improving my equipment so I can take it on.