Anyone remember Spinjas?

I was looking around some retro toy sites today and stumbled across a toy I had when I was younger…Spinjas. Man I loved those things. Does anyone remember them? or hell do you have any to sell? :smiley: Spinjas are little top shaped metal figurines, about the size of a nickel. They had little launchers that would send them spinning around an arena. They bashed against one another till someone flew out. I just had to see if anyone else remember these vessels of joy, and maybe searching for them too. Endless fun sigh.

Here is a site to refresh your memmory, I forgot it in the OP.

I still have a pair. You can have 'em for $1500 :slight_smile:

Someone has to remember these…and Gunslinger I do want a set, but not that much.

$50? :slight_smile:

You would have to have the battle arena.

I’m only 16 now, and I had a set of these things as a child. I’m really sure of it, although I also know I didn’t have the battle arena.

Maybe if they were in production that recently you can still find them somewhere.


Oh trust me, I’ve scoured the universe (well almost) for these babies. They have just vanished from the earth.

I so remember Spinjas! I was probably in second grade when they were “popular.” The sixth graders all had their arenas and would stack them up and then have these tournaments, man those sixth graders were cool. Anyway, I have a couple of my own. I had three arenas, but I can only find one pair and arena now, that I still currently have and know where they are (not for sale).

Imagine my delight when just a few years ago I was looking at my friend’s board games and found an entire set (big battle bowl thing with almost every guy! :O). Had some good times with those babies.

Anyway, about finding them, I’ve seen them on occasion on eBay. They sell pretty high considering what they are. I’ve seen them go as high as $60 for a pair and the arena.

Nope. Just the little thingy that came with 'em.

Oh, what my friend has is that big gray thing in the picture. I only had the smaller arenas, like the turqoise one.

That :O) was supposed to be a :cool: