Anyone still at nationstates?

I made a new countery: erictelevision. Check me out.

Are you going to come over to “Sea of Cecil”? We’re making a map of the region.

I’m Os Cosia.

I was playing for a while but the site was so slow I gave up. Now my nation no longer exists! :mad:

Sea of Cecil? Last I heard, our country was Straightdopia. How many are in your region?

I got sick of the same 7 or 8 issues repeating over and over and over and over. I didn’t check the game for about a month, and when I just checked in earlier this week, they told me the Socialist Republic of Lendervedder no longer exists.

Ah well.

The Sea of Cecil contains 36 nations and Straightdopia contains 8 nations.

In the Sea of Cecil, I am Prince Bob, Clown Prince and Court Jester of Krustyland.

Just joined, no more than two weeks ago. I’m currently the as-of-yet-unaffiliated-with-any-region Republic of the Free Bohemians.

I still play it. If you find a good, active region the game can be really fun.

Too bad over 50% of our population up and ceased to exist. :mad:

Wow, I forgot all about it. I should probably have about three hundred outstanding issues awaiting me. Perhaps I should go check out what’s up with Mephistophistan.

I blame it all on the regional UN delegate. It must be his fault.


I’ve never heard of nationstates… Looks interesting though, i’ll give it a go!

Yep. I’m still there.

Benevolent Protector and Supreme Barkeep of the Trog States

Around 440 million in population, but I live in the bustling land of Mare Unae. I just show up every couple of days, clear out my issues, and see where I rank on the issue of the day.

For instance, I rank 362nd in the entire world in size of soda pop sector.

Ok, I’ve created a new nation, but I find the site’s FAQ severely lacking. How do I move The Holy Empire of Disgruntled Elves to Sea of Cecil contains or Straightdopia regions?

No, all the blame should be given to Galau, for causing all the trouble in the sector. I think we should feed Galau to the Feral Robotic Goatmen.

Who? NewRlyeh? Great Bight pulled a James Buchanon and now it’s him, dontchaknow. :stuck_out_tongue:

Every time we come seemingly close to a war no party responds again and the issue just dies. Remember Galau’s hyped-up “War of the Century” against Malraux Antilles? Psssha. Some commie-capitalist showdown in a small corner of the world would have been entertaining.

I didn’t think nationstates had war. Oh, I joined, too. The Republic of Tyber. Nothing too special right now, and I’m guessing never really will be.

I played for a few weeks but stopped. None of the choices they give you for resolving issues match what I would do on several issues. The choices are too extreme and unrealistic.

For example, the issue is child gambling. The possible solutions are to either support gambling or ban gambling. There’s no option to simply prevent children from gambling. So, I dismissed the isse because none of the options given were realistic. The next thing I know, all the children in my country are foul mouthed criminals. Bullshit.

Also, the results of your choices are too extreme. For example, if you would allow moderate exploration of natural resources in your rainforest, within 3 days, the whole frickin’ rainforest is devastated and disappears. No moderation is allowed. No chance to revisit the issue or implement controls. Bullshit again.

It’s too extreme and no fun.

umm. . .I just dismissed the gambling issue. . . .didn’t pay attention to my description. . . .dammit!