AP: "Lynne Cheney and Granddaughters Top National Christmas Tree"

That’s gotta hurt. Wonder how long they’re gonna leave 'em up there?

Until the bough breaks.


And when the bough breaks,
The Cheneys will fall…</singing>

Why didn’t you start this in the pit where tons of ‘What’s up Lynne Cheney’s Ass’ jokes would be allowed.

**AP: Fir Muffs Seen Making A Comeback

AP: Probe Into Cheney A Crowning Achievement, Several Branches Likely Involved**

At least they’re the tops, and the tree’s the bottom. :eek:

That’ll teach me for asking the genie for an AP story featuring the words “Cheney” and “topping himself” without being more specific about the context. What a rip-off.