Actually is a “triplex” (as in a duplex except for 3 people instead of 2). Anyways, aside from us thinking that we maybe paying for more electricity/gas then we actually use (but never worrying enough to warrent going and actually checking the wiring and gas lines) we noticed something odd while out back one day. There’s only one A/C compressor. Since I can’t get into the area of the basement with the furnaces, I don’t know how many there are. Anyways, if there is only one A/C compressor and as far as I know all three of us can get A/C (I know our’s works) what would that mean? Does is somehow click on whenever a certain person want’s to use it, or am I really the only person that has an A/C? I have to get to work so I can’t go into any detail right now, but I’ll answer any questions I can later (or thoughout the day). [I’ll check around the house on my way out and make sure there is only one compressor]
I don’t know how it’s set up but on a hot day when the others are sure to want it turn your’s off - go outside and if it’s running then they have access to it.