Apprentice: 9/23/04 (possible spoilers)

We might as well start now. I have a couple of little tidbits from the news that might offer some hints about what’s going to happen.

They’re both from mainstream new sources but I’ll spoilerize them anyway.

The firs reveals who the celebrity will be…

The second item is more intriguing

So it sounds like this will be a good one. My guess on the “boardroom first” is that Trump will either drag the winning team into the boardroom because of the above spoilered cock-up, or possibly that he will simply abort the tasks all together, chew some ass and summarily fire someone without the usual rigamarole.

Notice that the NY Daily News story is careful not to reveal the genders of the team in question, but I’m guessing it was the women.

This show just keeps getting better.

Wow! 22 hours and 13 minutes to go!

So, are they implying that one of the teams worked this person into illness, or that they hired someone who was… a little off?

I think a little of both.

Anyway, if the article is correct, Carolyn was not pleased. Should be great. :smiley:

My guess was that the show was going to be different because he was going to fire George! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s all I gots to say.

Hiring a Milton. It’s the American Way!

Awesome! I love when Carolyn is not pleased!

I’m loving this season. The firing of Bradford was a complete shock. He didn’t even seem to build up to the firing. He just pulled it out of his holster like it was high noon. Very good TV. I’m so ashamed that it has sucked me in, but now that The Amazing Race is over, I’m counting on Trump to excite me (wait, that doesn’t sound right).

Why was it Stacie J’s fault that the toothpaste was more than they thought it would be. I hate the way these bitches just scapegoat her for everything.

Well, it seems to me that Stacie J. should have called ahead and asked how large this shipment would be. That’s fairly basic.

WTF? :confused:

Is the Donald really going to let the women snowball Stacie like this? I thought the 8 ball thing was just a joke that fell flat. I hope he’s not really going to fall this “split-personality” BS.

So much for spoiler 2… that would’ve been YUUUUGE!

I can’t believe the guys thought they could get the $1M insurance policy in that quick of a turnaround time.

Now for the rest of the boardroom…

Showing up undermanned to move all the boxes three minutes before the facility closes strikes me as sloppy. But it wasn’t an unrecoverable mistake.

The mismanagement of money falls on Maria’s shoulders since she negotiated the price, as well as the project managers’s.

But using Stacie J. as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong is silly. I hope Trump sees that and calls the team on it.

That was one of the most nakedly evil things I’ve ever fucking seen.

I hope the men win every task until every woman is gone. Not one of those women showed any integrity or decency whatsoever.

Jesus Christ! I had no idea women were this nasty and back stabbing among themselves. It was practically feral. You’d better not be the weak animal in that pack!

Having been Stacy J most of my life, I agree, but Trump’s justification being “They all hate each other, but they agree on this” does make a little sense. I despise Maria. And Little Stacy. Heck, all the women. I’m glad Carolyn spoke up, and that George seemed distressed.

What the heck did the guys end up doing? I saw them get slammed for the one million dollar thing, and then they were “passionate”? What the heck? Did I miss a 30 second expose between shots of New York?

This show has got to bug the living snot out of Professional Black Women of America.

I’m not blaming Trump, I’m blaming the women. I think Trump got played.

They hired a bunch of circus performers.

Fair enough. Just think of how the women are going to tear each other to pieces without Stacy J for focus.

Shirley Ujest, think another fresh-faced white boy is going to sweep again? :smiley: Bradford’s gone…

I’m surprised he went for that, too. I would have thought he’d find it inexcusable for the other 2 to get away with the total mismanagement of the task. I think Stacie J’s firing was bogus and I’m really irritataed that the PM (Elizabeth?) and Maria don’t have any consequences. But Stacie wa correct in her taxi interview when she said that they will just have each other to turn on now.

I guess I was hoping that the ‘rule breaker’ would be the firing of more than one person, in this case.

As a semi-nitpicky aside, I hate it when people use terms like “borderline schizophrenic” when they quite obviously have no clue what schizophrenia even entails.

Did you want to barf when Lil Stace said “And I’m sensitive to clinical issues…”? Or was that just me?