Appropriate music for sex

Go on then, list your personal faves and ones that would create a nice mood. :smiley:

Also, try to resist saying Barry White lol.

I personally can’t play music during sex.

Maybe I’ll never be able to explain this, but to me, there’s nothing romantic or magical about sex - it’s a primal, animal activity for me, not something that should be accompanied by music. I’m not saying that sex is a “lower” form of activity than music here - in fact, I’m sort of saying that it’s a purer, deeper kind of thing, and that I don’t find that the artificial construct of music goes well with it. Another thing is that when the song changes, the transition takes me out of the moment.


Moved from IMHO to CS.

I was expecting a “my hands are busy” kind of joke here. Imagine my disappointment.

Massive Attack. Mezzanine in particular.


Miles Dabis “Sketches of Spain”. Good for gettin’ you there, good for gettin’ you through and good for gettin’ you up again when needs be.


Enigma’s MCMXC A.D

Playlist for the rough stuff:

Led Zeppelin In the Evening
Velvet Revolver Slither
Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy
Toadies Possum Kingdom
Queens of the Stone Age Burn the Witch
Live Lakini’s Juice
Stabbing Westward So Wrong
Queens of the Stone Age No One Knows
Disturbed Prayer
Lostprophets Shinobi vs Ninja Dragon
Stone Temple Pilots Sex Type Thing
Godsmack Bad Religion
NIN Only
H. Tool
Mezzanine Massive Attack

Bonnie Raitt singing You Got To Know How.

Maria Muldaur singing Squeeze Me.

A lot of Foghat’s work was referred to as “crotch rock.” Slow Ride, for example.

There’s a couple of very sensuous arias in Bizet’s Carmen, but I don’t know the exact names of them. If a woman ever sang those to me, I’d be helpless to resist; wouldn’t you?

I’m with Argent on this one – it’s a purer, deeper experience that the artificial construct of music doesn’t go with.

Either that or I’m hopeless at multitasking. When I’m at home, I can have the radio on as background music. But when it’s music I’ve chosen, I have to listen to it. And when I’m in the sack, I want all my attention focused on my partner.

I will tell the story I have told before…I brought a friend home late one night. We decided to take our friendship to another level. Were going at it about 5am, listening to alt rock on FMU (a college station in New York). Then in the the throes, it turned 6 and they went to…
Klezmer music!!!
It is impossible to have sex to klezmer music.

We were both giggling too much.

I guess this is the opposite of what the OP was asking for. But I don’t know what’s good, when it’s good I can’t hear anything.

How 'bout the Sacer Du Printemps? :smiley:

Definite thumbs up for Massive Attack, add Morphine to the list, and for some odd reason Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon has always worked well… Soul Coughing, too–might seem like an unusual choice but I stand by it. :wink:

Morphine and Soul Coughing on my list as well. Yea, alternative sex! (But if I hear any Primus in that mix, I’m out the door sheet-clad.)

Damn straight. It turns the act into a movie scene, made for profit and witnessed by a million eyeless brainless critics; and the two of you into archetypes, incapable of anything except the pushing of buttons and the reenactment of some set common fantasy.

Note to self: Semioticians don’t get laid.

AAACK! For me, Sacre du Printemps will forever be associated with Pina Bausch’s interpretation of it.

Sex to that sound track? Never in a million years.

Carmina Burana. Gosh, that was a great Christmas.

The Divinyls.

Had to be said.

Garbage 2.0

Yeah, it sets a mood… if that mood is f*cking :slight_smile: Romantic, not so much.