Arcade ,console, PC ,mobile, handheld video games you’ve recently watched, played or are now watching ,playing or have given up on

Having seen this type of thread be ver successful in cafe society for movies and tv I figured id steal the idea for gaming

Ive been playing old games on abandonware/preservation sites where you can play the game on the onsite browsers
like here :

here’s an another although some games you can play on-site and some you download

I was playing the first sid Meiers civilization game … and wow the foundations were there but what a mess compared to the 2nd game and later …

A game I have given up on is sid Meiers beyond earth .aka alpha Centauri 2 , but it’s a bit obtuse and the tech trees a mess and after playing it off and on for a week. I quit and well don’t care enough about it to go back it’s just not compelling and has a lot of the things I find obnoxious in civ 6 got their start here

Haven’t really been playing anything recently; I’ve been too busy doing other things with my computer. I did get back into Dungeon Crawl and discovered that Stone Soup removed the need for food a couple versions ago.

Most of my time has been spent playing Tunic lately. It seem to have slipped by many- I havent seen anyone streaming it (of who I follow) or even talk about it. Which I think is a real shame.

Been playing a lot of Cooking Simulator. It’s not just chaos like Hand Simulator or Surgeon Simulator, it’s possible and intended to play seriously. Though you can screw around and blow the place up if you want. Once you figure a few things out it’s pretty fun.

ive watched the usual youtube game clowns play that and they always start playing it seriously and by the time they get halfway through the recipe someone does something accidentally like drop the salt shaker in the soup and they say screw it and just start being dumb like dantdm put the fire extinguisher in
the oven after using because his dish caught on fire “forgot” it was in there …

right now I’m gonna try vampire robotron/smash tv kak vampire savior

I always have elite , but my youngest likes to play cuphead on the playstation. I hate it, but he insists we play co op, so what can you do.
Dirt 5 was free on the playsation, its a fun mindless racing game, but gets a bit repetitive.
Tempted to get back into some Planetside2 , its still going and they have been making upgrades for a while.

Played a lot of Project Zomboid earlier this year. One of those games that’s been in Early Access for over 10 years but it feels pretty complete. They still have a ton of features they plan to add but it’s very playable right now. Single playthroughs don’t last very long anyways because it’s so difficult, unless you nerf it in the sandbox options. Sometimes I still die within 5 minutes, even as an experienced player because of all the randomness.

I have a penchant for those puzzle games where you put boxes on trip switches or redirect light beams. Right now I am playing Hourglass on PC, and am stuck in the final(?) level where its difficulty has suddenly escalated into the stratosphere.

everyone needs to spend the 3- 5 bucks and play “vampire survivors” on steam … its a cross between rouge Robotron/smash tv and diablo

I’ve never liked “bullet hell” games, though. Would someone who avoids that genre actually enjoy it?

Probably not.

Because of a mention in another thread on difficult games I was reminded of Atic Atac on the ZX Spectrum, which i played a lot as a kid. I’ve played it a few times in an online emulator and it is still fun: requires attention but is not impossible, and can be finished in 15-30 minutes. I used to know the entire map by heart, and it is slowly coming back to me now.

I HATE bullet hell games and I am having fun with this.

I think I am ok with this because the “bullet-hell” is slow and predictable. It is mobs always walking to where you are. Not like your typical bullet hell.

It costs $3. Play for 90 minutes (set a timer on your phone) and return it if you hate it. If you forget or can’t be arsed…cost less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

it’s pretty much the outside part of diablo 3 on horde mode … I mean yeah it’s still early access but they seem to update it every week or so and it looks like something you’d play on an atari st but its got that one more run effect …

I figure we could use a new one of these since the last one covered 2020 and the pandemic. And then ran through 2021…as did the pandemic.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Long delayed and much anticipated. Is it good? Yes. As a single-player game, it is quite good. Is the multiplayer(couch co-op) as good as the original older Lego games? Nope. Gone are the days of sharing a screen. Co-op in this game mainly means having two screens and you each play single-player with a partner. I miss the same screen co-op mode of the originals.

The game is good, but there were indeed levels on the old Lego Star wars games that were superior. The Death Star approach in Episode IV of this game? Lame. The opening battle of Episode III? Not even shown beyond a 2-second clip. Obi-Wan vs. Anakin? Lame-o in this game.

It’s still fun and this does cover episodes 1-9 and the entire game is new, not just the old game cleaned up.

I started with Episode 1 and am playing the movies in chronological order. I’m on Episode V and I do think that Episodes IV and V seem like they have gotten more attention than episodes 1-3.

I’d recommend it if you find it on sale. I paid $59, but I cared enough to do so. I’m on the Nintendo Switch and it looks fine and runs fine. I saw some PS5 footage and it looked a bit better, but graphics are not the critical point of a Lego game.

I have bought Dragon Quest XI on Switch and will begin it sometime in May, though as a teacher, I don’t have any real time until mid-June. I’ve only played Dragon Quest V(on my phone) and Dragon Quest VI(I emulated the SNES version on PC 20 years ago).

To be honest, id rather have the first games cleaned up and just the new stuff added really …

OK, I asked for my post to go over there, but I did fine that thread harder to find.

I’m currently playing Dracula The Last Sanctuary. It is the sequel to Dracula Resurrecton. In the original, there was never a countdown you had to beat the puzzle by or die. In the original, there were many cutscenes of Dracula’s brides wearing nothing but henna tattoos.

I don’t like the 30 seconds or die feature. I miss the nekkid vamps. Also, as I said elsewhere, the different audio tracks were recorded at vastly different levels. I have to turn up the sound all the way to hear an important speech- and then the next noise is ear shattering.

Still, it’s a fun game so far.

Restarted Hardspace Shipbreaker, a game that has you working in an orbital salvage yard, dismantling decommissioned spaceships and turning them into scrap for reprocessing. I actually got this a while back when it was in early access but, shortly after starting, the devs said the release version would be out soon with more features, story line and they’d have to wipe progress so I shelved it until it had a full release a week or so ago.

The game itself is pretty chill: each ship is sort of its own puzzle how to dismantle it to maximize your salvage and avoid mishaps like cutting live fuel/electric lines or catastrophic depressurization. The story progression revolves around the corporation and its blue collar workers, swimming in corporate satire that feels more cynical than, say, Outer Worlds. But the core of it is the shipbreaking: solving each ship and working in a zero-g environment that might feel familiar to people used to Subnautica and the like. It has a bunch of rave reviews and 10/10 scores so maybe worth taking a look.

trying out diablo immortal and the first thing I had to do is turn off the chat due to a disgusting conversation
but its pretty much diablo 3 just scaled down which could be a problem because there’s not many mobs to grind when you hit a boss wall