I’ve heard it said that most adult women have had a sexual experience with another women at one point in their life. Further, some women that I have known like to fantasize about lesbian sex.
Most men, on the other hand, have not had a sexual experience with another men and most do not fantasize about homosexual sex.
I’ve heard it said that all people are bisexual, but I could never squeeze the definition of bisexual out of anyone who said that. Too bad.
If my female friends are at all representative, then maybe most women are bisexual. Typically, I’ll be hanging out shooting the breeze with a female friend, and she’ll say, “Oh yeah, I know her, I used to date her” or “I had a big crush on her once”. It always comes as sort of a surprise, because hitherto I’d thought these women were plain old heterosexuals. But then, they usually don’t call themselves bisexuals, they just have affairs with women sometimes, as well as men … but I have some weird friends.
I’ve heard this addressed on LoveLine and I believe Dr. Drew said that the main reason for it is that women are more evolved than men. They can appreciate the beauty of the female form and express love and affection for their friends without fear of compromising their heterosexuality. We’re just more mature and secure that way
“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy
Is this related to the fact that magazines like Vogue, Cosmo, Glamour, etc usually have a beautiful model or actress falling out of her dress on the cover? Whenever I see these I wonder why, since these magazines are targeted towards women, they don’t feature male cover models.
Mike - no, that is not why women’s mags have beautiful women on the covers. They do it because women want to look like that, and women are into glamour and fantasy. They think if they buy the mag, they’ll get wonderful tips about dieting, makeup, clothes, etc., etc. and maybe,just maybe, they’ll be beautiful too. It’s because the mags know that women are hung up on their looks because that seems to be what’s important in this country. I’m not bisexual - never had the desire to have sex with a woman. And I think men do lie about their homosexual fantasies, experiences, because deep down they’re ashamed of it and it conflicts with they’re (and society’s) idea of machismo.
At some point in high school I was really big on shocking people by casually announcing things like the fact that I don’t wear panties. About that time, I developed the theory that all women are inherently bisexual. This came mostly from the fact that I personally found many girls attractive… but I was definitely also into boys.
A lot of women will deny this, probably because they are out of touch with themselves and their sexuality. When women start opening up their minds to the fantasies they have, and exploring them, sometimes they are surprised and shocked at what is within their own minds.
Personally I’ve never had a real encounter with another woman and have never seriously looked. But I’d definitely not rule it out and once actually almost married a man and woman at the same time. I did have a few little ‘encounters’ with my best friend when we were a lot younger, and have recently written a short story about it.
For men though, I really seem to think it’s different. Of course some of them are bisexual but I think it’s not nearly as natural an instinct for them as for women.
I agree that women are more evolved in the sense of appreciating beauty in any form and in the sense of expressing love or affection physically. Also, they are not as hung up about admitting to such behavior. I think men have plenty of urges in the purely sexual sense that they rarely admit to. Women, on the other hand, may consider themselves “straight” but more readily express closeness to another woman in physical ways. Yes, I think we all have some degree of bisexual potential.
I agree that women can respect the beauty (etc)in other women, but I don’t know if that is bisexuality…or just envy.
I guess the question needs to be asked…what constitutes bisexuality? Does experimenting mean you are bisexual? If so, then I guess I’m guilty as charged. However, I don’t consider myself bisexual.
I also believe that it is generally easier for women to be bisexual. Cuddling, fondling, etc. is so much easier than taking it up the ass.
Good Lord, OfficeGirl… Do you realise what your comments do to me?
Anyhoo, though I know I’m not a homosexual male, I am attracted to boyish females. It’s a small step between that and effeminate males, I suppose, but I doubt very much I’ll make the leap.
For a while there the middle Hanson boy did look kind of pretty. But that’s because he looks like a girl.
I think that lesbianism is more socially accepted than …er, whatever the term is for two men (homosexuality encompasses both, right? Am I missing a term?) together.
That’s why you see many instances of two women gettin’ it on, and not many with men. For some reason, it’s more socially acceptable for two women to be “fashionably bi” and experiment.
My psychology professor said that no one is 100% heterosexual or 100% homosexual. I tend to believe that. I think one reason men don’t express their homoerotic desires/fantasies as readily as women is that two girls getting it on is looked upon much differently than two guys going at it.
I consider myself monogomously bisexual. I like chicks but I love my husband. I could never have an emotional relationshp with another woman, but I sure do dig 'em just for fun.
jane-says, that’s why I’ll ask for a sexual preference, not sexual orientation.
I have had homosexual experiences, though I don’t know if they really count (I was 7), but I consider myself very far on the heterosexual side.
I can look at a man’s physique and think it is attractive, but that’s only in the way women look at the models on Vogue, etc.; I want to look like that, I don’t want to get with that.
I don’t know who first said “everyone’s a critic,” but I think it’s a really stupid saying.
Almost every living creature on earth has exhibited bisexual behaviors. I think that humans are inherently bisexual. It’s only morality and cultural taboos that make a lot of people reject it.