The Democrats were war-mongers? Yeah, back before about 1972. That’s 30 years ago. In 1972 George McGovern ran for President on a peace platform, and he transformed the Democratic party into one that is actually soft on defense.
The polarization of the Reagan era made it worse. Democrats who wanted to oppose Reagan found themselves on the opposite side of many defense issues. As a result, the Democrats wound up opposing many of the weapons systems that make up the U.S. arsenal today - the cruise missile, for example, was bitterly opposed by the left. It enjoyed some support among Democrats, but almost all opposition to the development of the cruise missile came from Democrats. Likewise, Democrats opposed the B-2 bomber, and constantly fought to lower the budget of the military.
SDI funding has also been under continual attack from Democrats. I know the Democrats here will say, “for good reason”, but that doesn’t change the fact that people who don’t agree with you see that as another sign that Democrats are fundamentally soft on defense.
And anyway, Democrats are wrong to oppose SDI. Programs like Israel’s Arrow missile system are direct outgrowths of SDI research, and they may in fact stop Saddam’s scuds from spreading chemical and biological destruction on the population.
Then there’s the outright hostility to the military expressed by many liberals inside and outside the Democratic party - as long as Democrats continue to be associated with clowns like Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal, they’ll be smeared by their assinine pacifist viewpoints.
And of course, the nation’s campuses are strongly associated with the Democratic party, and are very liberal. And they are insanely hostile to the military. Many will not allow ROTC or recruiting on campus, and people who seek military careers are met with scorn by professors and other students.
Then there’s the culture. It’s no surprise that the percentage of Republicans in the military is far greater than in the population as a whole. Republicans are just more likely to have the values that cause people to seek military service in the first place.
There have been some hawks in the Democratic party. Lieberman today, Sam Nunn, many others. But the Democratic party is also full of doves who are hostile to the military. They hurt the Democrats’ credibility when it comes to defense issues.
Like it or not, the Democrats will continue to be seen as soft on defense as long as they have clowns like Bonior and McDermott running to Iraq to denounce their own country.