Are our Pit rants eerily mirroring Fark?

Welcome to my series revealing secret posting habits of the Intelligencia Internetia and their startling similarities to the strange musings and alien petroglyphs found on

The 100 Greatest Britons covers the same topic as this Fark news thingie.

Only loggers can prevent forest fires looks a lot like this Fark thread, although you can note the civility in the SD counterpart.

War-Hawk Politicians’ cowardly past, i.e. War is good- for someone else can also be found here on Fark.

No fucking Slavery Reparations for you! is filled with the same kinds of people in this Fark thread , even with some of the same vitriol.

Houston cops are jackbooted thugs is started by crossover hit ElwoodCuse, who appears on both forums, including a guest appearance here on the very same topic.
NEA on Sept. 11 - don’t go blaming anybody, but criticizing U.S. or yourself is OK is a topic that also appeared on Fark.
What is the point I am trying to make? I guess the SD people are part of a secret clique that can be viewed simply by going to these sites. Not so secret now, is it assholes! I see you linking to Cecil’s Columns Of Holy Brilliance from Fark! And I must say, I can appreciate your tastes! Fark and Dope seem to be hitting the same news articles, which must mean some secret illuminati-Kennedy connection. Think you can get away with it? ::Dials the TIPS program::

Arnold Winkelreid will be detained for questioning.

…or, the obvious answer, that SDMB members also read FARK, but they’d rather rant over here because the conversation’s better.

I was gonna rant myself a while back, along the lines of “Christ, stop just dragging FARK articles back over here! We’re perfectly capable of reading FARK on our own, thank you very much!”, when it seemed like I couldn’t see a story on FARK without there being a corresponding SDMB thread. But, I decided against it. Maybe I shoulda.

On the plus side, so far no one seems to have started cross-posting “boobies” links all over the place. That “No linking to porn” rule is doing its job.

Also, on more than one occasion I have seen articles myself, THEN seen them posted on Fark. I’m sure there’s some cross-posting going on, but a lot of these issues/articles/stories MAY be being found by the people who are posting them, and merely show up on Fark because some of their 50,000+ users saw it too.

Sure the content is similar but the SDMB members are much more PC. “France surrenders” gets deconstructed, debated and labelled xenophobic here, at FARK it just gets a hearty laugh.

…and if you can’t get a hearty laugh at the expense of France, then you don’t deserve the gift of laughter. If xenophobia is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

Remember those heady days, when PC thugs didn’t exist…sigh

I’ve been called a greasy thug before. It never stops hurting.

I totally agree!

Hey, Meatros, who’s the Hume in your post? David?

Fark has it’s charms, like the wonderful filters. Boobies? Hey, I wrote Boobies! WTF? But I gotta agree, the Dope has better conversations. The only downside is the afore-mentioned PC thugs. There are Ethiopia jokes on Fark that wouldn’t last a second in front of Lynn’s “you just posted WHAT?” glare (which is a good thing).
Maybe we need photoshop contests.

Miller-I think so…I actually got the qoute from another board-I thought it was hysterical so wa-la!


Yeah, I read both websites a lot. And thus, the distinct tones of each forum become clear. I don’t think you can really compare the two. It’s very hard to get a serious converstion going on Fark, because of the nature of the beast. Fark is designed for throwaway comments to whatever is on tap. Threads often begin and die withing hours. The SDMB threads usually have a much longer lifespan, so it’s a much better place to have an ongoing discussion of something. Personally, I enjoy seeing things from two different perspectives.

Obviously, things like Boobies, France Surrenders, Soviet Russia, and Photoshopping aren’t for the SDMB, but I think there are some topics that are very worthy of being discussed on both forums, and I have no qualms about bringing up a topic from Fark on here, within reason (as I mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph).

Fark has also linked to Cecil’s column. Most recently the hypnagogic myoclonus one.

I’m a big fan of the Photoshop threads. Some of them are fucking inspired masterpieces. But as Elwood said, Fark’s not really meant for critical analysis or legitimate debate. Which can either be a nice change of pace or severly frustrating to read, depending on the thread.

They even have Fark meet-ups which presumably similar to Dopefests but without the hunky moderators.

Fark is a good source of interesting articles, but a poor sources of debate on them. While there are some dual boarder posters, many people do not hit that site. When I move something over, I try to give credit where it is due. Although stuff that shows up at Fark, often shows up all over the web at the same time. Small world in all.


oh and:

Thanks Fark!


One of the great things about Fark is that if there is a flame war, it is over in a day because there is a totally new batch of things to get angry about. I don’t think anybody asks for cites! Here on the Dope, debates last for pages upon pages, which is not a bad thing.

I think we’re finally cracking Arnold…