Are the radio stations in your area playing a Michael Jackson tribute mix called "R.I.P."?

One of the local stations has been playing a long Michael Jackson mix that they call “R.I.P.”. I caught it in the middle, and I am not sure what songs are mixed in at the beginning of the track. The part I heard went on for about 15 minutes, and mixed in a bunch of MJ’s lesser-heard album tracks ranging from the Jackson 5 era through the 90s. The only hits I could pick out among all the deep cuts were “P.Y.T” and a brief snippet of “The Love You Save”. They mixed in “Liberian Girl” as well.

Anyone else caught this, or is this something that this one radio station is doing?

Mods work fast … thanks :slight_smile:

Our station cobbled together an MJ tribute. We were helped by going to the BitTorrent website. There were several downloads put together by fans.

I haven’t seen any commercial tributes available by WestWood I or the other usual suspects. His death came as a surprise and caught everyone unprepared.

You might give that station a call and ask.

There’s a Michael Jackson megamix floating around called “Here Comes the Man.” Playlist here.