When I wake up in the morning, I like to watch the news to get a jump on the day, as most people do. Problem is, my morning news digest consists mainly of the following:
“Coming up, does it turn out that [insert benign food/substance/toy/place/person here] can actually kill you? Stay tuned for…”
“As we enter the sixth month in the search for [insert name of rich, white, pretty teenage girl here], investigators are still hopeful that she is alive and her parents are pleading for…”
“Bob, you know that there is a partisan agenda within the House aimed at embarrassing the President and…”
“Next, Anderson Cooper explains why flatulence may be the chief cause of the melting of polar icecaps on this segment of [cue spooky music]Planet in Peril…”
“… And Britney has once again entered a court-ordered rehab program. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her for a speedy recovery.”
crash from remote hitting screen
Can someone please tell me that secret morning news program that deals with actual news? Something like a BBC newscast (Comcast doesn’t provide BBC news in the morning where I am)? I’m going broke replacing my televisions.
You could always try my approach (if there wasn’t a strike on ). I tape The Daily Show and The Colbert Report at night and then watch them as my morning news programs. They have more actual news content than the morning network shows and they’re funny too! Puts me in a good mood for the day.
I find it easier to wake up to the science/discovery channels and pick and choose what news items to read on the internet later. The Good Morning SunShine news crap is just that.
On those days when I’m up early enough, I find NBC and ABC’s early early news shows (the half-hour shows they run before Today and GMA) to have a much higher percentage of real news.
Unfortunately, a lot of local stations don’t run them, prefering their own version of network fluff.
I won’t have the TV on before lunchtime. If I need news, I’ll get it off the radio or the web; there’s very little worthwhile on TV anyway, never mind the banal faux-perky crap they have masquerading as Breakfast Shows on telly.
CNBC, CNBC World and Bloomberg are usually fairly decent in the AM. Of course, their coverage tends to be on the fiancial markets, but they do a decent job of coverage the world news as well.