Are Those HUGE old CINZANO Ashtrays worth Anything?

I was cleaning out the cellar, and came upon an unexpected treasure trove-a box full of brand new white glass CINZANO ashtrays. These are probably 25 years old-and are subtantial-you could probably use them as a weapon. Since nobody smokes anymore, what value do ashtrays have? Are there collectors for these?

I’m afraid I can’t answer the question other than to point out that if the Internets have taught us anything, it’s that there are people who collect everything you can possibly conceive of, and quite a few things you can’t. So, yes, someone, somewhere collects Cinzano ashtrays. There can be no doubt.

But my real reason for posting here is that just the other day I was listening to a Jean Shepherd radio show from 1966 that included a recorded ad for Cinzano. It starts off with an announcer solemnly saying that because Cinzano’s American ad agency has failed to prevent people from “swiping” Cinzano ashtrays, the the workers who make Cinzano have taken the advertising into their own hands. We then hear a bunch of guys with heavy Italian accents singing “Do not swipe-a Cinzano ashtrays, Buy Cinzano vermouth instead, Cinzano vermouth is better than ashtrays, get it in your American head.” And there’s more.

There does seem to be a small market for these on eBay. They seem to sell for $5 to $10 plus shipping. I would list them one at a time and wait a week or two between listings. If you flood the market, you’ll drive the price down. You can also see how the first ones sell and decide if it’s worth doing more.

If you decide to sell them, drop me an e mail or IM. I would like to have one, and will pay the going rate.

Yeah, I’d like one of those too. I have a small collection of old ashtrays.

I’d take one! Our ashtrays are cheap. Please PM or email me with your price (if you’re selling, that is.)

You just happened to find a box of brand new ashtrays you didn’t know about? Did they fall off of a truck or something?

If you’re still looking for a home for a couple, I’m interested. Talk about your Hail Mary zombie resurrection…

Given the age and lack of new info, this is closed.

samclem, moderator