are we annoying and should go or should we stay and keep are light hearted disscusion

right as a lot of you seem to be pointing out that we are either a couple of stoners and un able to spell or use proper grammer of the british(english)language also SHOUTING some times even if we forget what we did the night before, we have come to a conclusion that we would like your help in a great debate for or against us leaving or staying and putting our light hearted look and mainly illogical veiws on your straight dope site, as it would seem it hurts some of you.
in our defence when we come on its late over here ,generally 12:00am-3:00am(i know its 4:46am now)and sometimes we have a slight mind slip due to smoking forbidden fruits(plants?)but you can understand why we first came to this site(in 2 ways)but we liked it and hope to be here for a while(beg,wimmper).
so if questions can be asked about such mondain subjects its not just us smoking

I see no debate here at all. This isn’t even a general question. You are of no use here.

If you aren’t banned for general stupidity, I’m sure you’ll tire of this board, and go back to measuring haw far you can stick your thumbs up your butts by how far the stink extends down your wrist.

Off you go.

reads OP

re-reads OP

Whaaa? My head hurts now. Jeez.

Trying to figure out this OP felt like cryptography. I lost my secret decoder ring years ago, so forgive me if I ignore a few issues that you bring up.

Tip #1) Punctuation, man. And the use of a capital letter when starting a new sentence is nice, too. I’m not a staunch stickler for grammer and spelling, since I acknolwedge that typos happen. But it does make the post much easier to read.

Tip #2) Learn what the categories on the SDMB are, and what posts properly belong in them. Your OP doesn’t sound like a Great Debate to me, but that’s a mod’s call.

I’m not saying any of this to sound antagonistic. I’m saying it because I really want to help you here.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need some ibuprofen.

Some how, this post answers many questions. Sleep deprivation and intoxication explain a lot about the foregoing post and other postings by our friend across the water.

Taken at face value, you don’t seem too bad. Maybe a bit silly, but that’s not a bad thing. One suggestion I would make about improving your posts would be to research any questions you may have. Don’t just impulsively ask something – search the internet for your answer. Or search the SDMB for similar threads. (Yes, I am guilty of not always doing so. I regret it terribly.)

Am I correct in assuming that English isn’t your first language? If it isn’t, keep trying to learn it. And remind us now and then.

Don’t post while drunk or high. Yes, maybe another member has done so in the past. Try to avoid it.

Hopefully, SDMB residents will be patient, especially if you make an honest effort to be a fellow Doper. Then again, maybe we won’t.

Dude, you are like, sooooooo baked!

A few points:

  1. Learn to use punctuation . Your run-on sentences are a headache to read. If I spend more time trying to figure out what you’re saying rather than the point you’re arguing, it’s hard to respond pleasantly.

  2. Learn which forum to post in. Each forum is for various topics. Please read the headers and learn to post appropriately. For example, this thread belongs more in IMHO or MPSIMS rather than GD. I don’t mind light-hearted stuff, but it doesn’t (generally) belong in GD.

  3. Learn to do research on your own. Try doing a search in the archives here or on the Internet in general before posting a question. Most likely, it’s been brought up and addressed before.

In the OP he says that he would like our help to debate if he gos or stays. The answers given dont seem to follow the OP at all!
Sorry yozzer2001 but they seem to be wrapped up in their own importance.
thank you
Mike Harding
Ring of Bells

A Yozzer by any other name still smells as…well, not sweet, but you get the idea.

As for the answers not following the OP, it should be pointed out that Yozzer brought up the issue of grammer and spelling. That’s why I addressed it.

As for him/her/it staying or leaving the SDMB, I wasn’t about to touch that one. Why should I waste my time trying to persuade someone to stay or leave? It is totally the person’s choice, and as long as that person abides by the rules of the SDMB, they can stay.

And now that the author of the OP has been banned, it seems that this thread is doomed to be locked. Good riddance.

That was hard.

Dr. J

All your light hearted discussions are belong…
Never mind.

Sir Rhosis

Dr. J, for some reason I didn’t think to look up the guy’s e-mail address until after I wrote my response to Mystery Riders. When I saw it, I was tempted to write another one, saying something like, “Hey, Yoz”, but thought better of it.

i know but all good fun

come on lads/lasses its 6:45am we have been up all night(from about 11:00pm)and after this you ban us ,come on?
as in the words of the late and great Mr Roy Castle

No, you won’t. One simple rule of the SDMB, delineated in the conditions that you agreed to upon joining, is that you don’t use two usernames. I strongly suspect that you will now be banned.

(Insert pun on “The Weakest Link.”)



:::looks at watch:::

Any minute, now.

there are two brian


just because jimmy has not got a computer and he use`s mine as another user does not mean i can not voice my opinion
and as you see there is no one person with two user names
thanks brian

Well, a careful statistico-linguistic analysis of your posts reveals that you write just like Yozzer2001 would, if he were sober.

I would begin to speculate on siamese twins or multiple personalities, or, for that matter, the works of R. L. Stevenson, but that might best belong in the pit.


look hand on heart there are two of us jimmy and brian if you look at the other posts you will see we both mention each other !
brian is the one getting married in mexico 01/06/01
jimmy a bit political into god slightly “is god almighty”
if you read posts you will see
and as this site says "the straight dope"well i think you could do with us just to substanciate the title (you dont want to get in trouble with trading standards!)



