Are you allowed to make predictions for a Pit thread?

Oh shit it just gets better and better.

Or, as is also in this case, is completely asinine and which the context of “it’s a joke” does nothing to improve. In fact, almost all of your statements fall into that third category.

No, even with your original meaning clear, it’s still incredibly dumb. Even as a joke that’s tasteless and pointless, and you’re still comparing reparations for getting fucked in the ass for generations on end to reparations for loss of “property” when the property was people. Even if it’s a joke. And given the context, you also happen to have quite possibly the worst comedic timing ever. This is like cracking “how many jews can you fit into a VW Beetle” at the Nuremburg trials, at least in terms of appropriateness given the tone of the thread.

Refute them? Um, hey asshole, several people have. You know, the difference between “being owned as property for a few generations, then having both the law and public perception grossly stacked against you for the next few generations, and getting fuck-all in return” and “being prevented from owning people”. That they bought them “legitimately” is irrelevant because they’re fucking people. You don’t own people.

Oh, and for the record?

No, I’m sorry, “We disagree with you most of the time because 99% of the time you are so wrong that you completely miss the number of ways you are wrong” does not make us dumb. Might say a thing or two about you, though.

I got a better idea, BPC. Why don’t you pull your head out of your ass? You add as much value to a discussion as jock rot does. I realize that you are apparently congenitally incapable of handling it when I rub facts in your face or when I post something that sails right over the point on the top of your head, but lately, you have really become an annoying little git when you keep interrupting the adults who are carrying on conversations.

Since you are apparently incapable of recognizing sarcasm when it bites you on the ass, let’s revisit my post. Either you cannot read for comprehension or you deliberately ignored the line where I ripped Honesty for posting hogwash. Here it is again for you, you ignorant fuckwit, and I even highlighted it so that your room temperature IQ might be able to pick it out:

It’s just as reasonable as the hogwash you spouted…

Seriously, BPC - fuck off. Since you can’t keep up with me, why don’t you just put me on ignore and quit being such a sniveling little asshole every chance you get?