I ran across something called the “Starseed Quiz” in the March 2000 issue of Harper’s. In “Readings”, on page 30, they have reprinted a quiz you can take to find out whether you’re an alien (I love this stuff). According to Harper’s, it originally appeared in the July 1999 issue of Magical Blend magazine, based in Chico, California.
I found a tremendously enlarged (and incidentally uncredited) version of this at this website. Evidently the website thinks that if you take copyrighted material and add on to it, it doesn’t count. :: sigh ::
Anyway, take the quiz and find out whether you have cousins in the Pleiades. And remember, everything you post here becomes the property of the Straight Dope, so choose your words with caution (especially if you’ve got a tricky joint custody hearing coming up soon!)
Have you ever swam in the nude?
-Yup, sure sign of alien parentage.
Do you like tapioca?
-Oh My God. I like tapioca!!!
Do you prefer non-restrictive clothing?
-No, I like to be bound up as tightly as possible. Sheesh
Does the word Atlantis ring some sort of bell in your memory?
-I seem to remember it from other goofball theories.
Do you have an urge to care-for/heal those about you?
-No, I have the urge to kill all humans and replace them with Star Beings. I guess a NO answer here makes me human.
Is green one of your favorite colours?
-ONE OF my favorite colors?? Out of how many??
Do you like to test ideas & concepts?
-Yea, and this one tests as bogus.
Auto-Computed Score from above:
40 + … You may have some ancestral roots in the Pleiades
50 + … You have some cousins out there
60 + … They are 1st cousins
70 + … You will be, or have been, contacted ~ do not be afraid – it was for a family reunion.
80 + … You will have a special place in the 5th world, prepare for it.
90 + … Start preparing NOW! In some way they will connect you to your purpose.
If you scored near, or above, 75, please consider participating in the Quest for Stargate ~ YOU are needed NOW!
Wow - I’m an alien! 71 - I’ll be contacted for a family reunion. I’ll report back and tell you all about my new-found relatives…hmmm, but then again, I may return with them to the home planet.
I noticed that many of my answers would have been quite different about fifteen years ago. So I tried both my current answers and those for my first decade of adulthood.
Apparently, I have purged myself of most of my alien blood.
And for 12 easy monthly installments of $39.99, I can cure you too!
The chances that the human genome (did I spell that right?) is ‘contaminated’ with alien DNA is not totally impossible. One merely has to wonder at the plausibility.
Besides, I always believe what 100 question tests tell me about my personality! grin