Army Video is real? (Link included)

I was recently shown this video and it leads me to question whether or not its real… the site doesnt give any details (Kind of a disturbing piece of video) (mods: feel free to close this thread if its unacceptable.)

What could they have been doing and where?

Is this the army or US armed forces?

Is there any other information on this video and is this real?

They pretty much beat the issue to death on this message board. Apparently it’s part of much larger video.

Sorry forget to add this to the last message. This is from the referenced message board.

Is this the same story? Only three figures- not seven - are seen on the video, even the longer version.

longer version you say? Can you link me?

There’s a longer version with much more intro (radio conversations asking for permisison to engage) at The video is called “AH-64 Apache mission in Iraq” and you’ll need a BitTorrent client to download it.

We discussed it a couple of months ago in this pit thread…

Reminds me of the AC-130 gunship video that was making the rounds during Afghanistan. War is some hard-core stuff.

So if you are in the military, you can just request a video of what you have just done?