Arrival of the WickedBlue twins!!

For those of you who know WickedBlue (otherwise known as Wicky in LJ), her twins have arrived! Her husband called to let me know that Wicky and the babies are doing fine…arriving today by C-section, we have:

  • At 7:01pm, Brendan Joseph, 5 lbs 15 oz, 18.5" long

  • At 7:03pm, Sean William, 6 lbs 12 oz, 19.5" long

So, congratulations to Wicky and her husband, and a great big welcome to the boys! SQUEEEE!! :smiley:

Yay Wickytwins! Love to Wicky and the Wickytots!


Yay Wicky and family! Good job building up nearly 13 pounds of people (and over a yard long)!

Hooray for babies! Double the fun!

Double the poop…

Double the baby kisses!!! :smiley:

Wickybabies! Wickybabies! Wickybabies!


And I’m so glad I found this thread, because I’ve spent a lot of time wondering “who is this wicky, and why do so many Dopers know her?” Didn’t know what her board name was!


really good sized twins there.

Darn! I thought LaBatt’s had two new spokesmodels…

Congratulations WickedBlue! :slight_smile:

As the grandfather of twin granddaughters, now 7, all I can say is: Stock up on diapers, you will never have enough.

Congrats x 2


In honor of such a glorious event, I just may take a wicky day tomorrow.