As God Is My Witness, I thought Turkeys Could Fly! - A MMP

This morning I learned that the infamous WKRP turkey drop episode was inspired by a real incident. Much more mundane, but nonetheless it happened.

39 years ago: Famous 'WKRP in Cincinnati' turkey drop inspired by Atlanta's WQXI-AM.

And here’s the on-the-spot reporting by Les Nessman.

Carry on.

It’s cloudy and drizzly out this way. It’s a good day to stay home and stitch, so that’s what I’m doing. Hubs is taking our friend to to town for errands. Our friend wants to buy a car and we usually don’t have a problem loaning him money, but his health is so bad that we doubt he will live long enough to pay us back for a decent used car. He’s a really crappy driver (which is why he’s carless now), so we don’t want our name on the title or anything that will make us responsible for his accident damage. What to do, what to do?

I woke up this morning to a mass text from the folks at the Community Center telling everyone to line up for a Thanksgiving box. We got a 12 lb turkey, a pumpkin pie, a tub of cool whip (I haven’t had that for years!), some canned green beans, a can of cranberry sauce, a box of powdered potatoes and a lb of Blue Bonnet. That was a nice surprise, I guess we are going to have Thanksgiving again.

I made Mom a left over turkey samich for her flight home last week and she said her seat mate looked appropriately jealous as she was enjoying it with her tiny bag of chips the airline gave them. We do love left over turkey!

Please don’t think I’m being mean by telling you this, but in my experience…the end is very near. When my father and father in law both died of advanced Alzheimers, this is how it started and it ended in a matter of days. It was very peaceful and appeared painless. Their bodies started shutting down and we could see the color disappearing from their extremities. In the end, it really was just like they had gone to sleep, breathing one second and not the next.

I am sorry this is happening and wish peace for everyone.

Cranberries are done, pie is in the oven, and the stock continues to simmer. Got a walk in this morning. First one in - umm - awhile.

The cat’s been off her food for a few days. I think perhaps she’s just bored with it (Fancy Feast tuna). I picked up some FF turkey yesterday and she inhaled it, so at least I know she’s not ill.

Kitty just wanted some Thanksgiving turkey, too!

I finished the cheezy romance novel - like I didn’t see the ending from the first few paragraphs… FCD got some pics of the boat, so he’s happy. Tomorrow, I’ll do preliminary meal prep while the new HVAC is being installed. And tomorrow, FCD meets with the other knee surgeon - here’s hoping for a fast resolution.

The rest of tonight is for chillage.

Howdy all. Safely enconsed in my hotel in Mountain Grove,MO, after 435 miles and 7.5 hours driving. Just a bit tired, also in need of sustenance, so I’ll go out searching for food here in a bit. Great weather all the way, but a lot of going through towns and 2-lane roads slowed me down. Well, I didn’t want to go the Xpressway route again, so guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Had to change my SDMB password again, for some reason the laptop doesn’t do well with the older ones.

OK, off to find food. All y’all take care.

Let me guess: there were silly misunderstandings, then brooding eyes smoldered, then a bodice was ripped off.

Some random stuff happened, a bodice was ripped off again, and then the now-happy couple rode off into the sunset on a beautiful white horse.

… how close was I? :grin:

shoe, surprisingly enough, that would have been a fairly apt description (albeit some stupid shit no LEOs would ever do) of the mystery I just finished. No more book orders from me for that author.

Irked, came home for Nelson, went to Discount Tires to have some air put in (the indicator came on this AM) and on to the ATM for some cash for the trip. I need to pack tonight. I hope to get an early start tomorrow and miss the worst of the traffic in Nashville, Louisville and Indy.

If Dad’s wifi password doesn’t work again, happy Thanksgiving to the USAians and happy Thursday to everyone else.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Happy Toosday!

Cold outside.
Six people and ten dogs showed up at the park this morning. Surprising considering it was only 28 degrees out there. Once the sun came out it didn’t feel so bad.
Some people came that we hadn’t seen for a while, so it was nice to catch up.

Nice to be negative Dicey.

Sorry about your dad, Talky.

no its my aunt’s son who has no problem solving the problems of the world,amd has specific thoughts on how one should conduct one’s self and since i don’t follow his wise and wonderful wisdom im on the “list”

No bodices, no horses, but many misunderstandings and some getting nekkid in a pile, ending with a wedding.

I tried to download another without luck. Oh well, I do have a few real books to read.

Howdy Y’all! Laundry got did and chili/cheese/onion/slaw dawgs got made and et. Fart Fest is on-goin’ as I post. We have a FREEZE WARNING in effect tomorrow night/Thursday mornin’. Shall I panic? Shall I run to the sto’ for tp, aigs, bread, and milk? What to do! What to do! Actually aigs, bread, and milk will get purchased tomorrow, but that’s just cause they are on the weekly provision list. We have plenty of tp.

{{{Wordy}}} no words (Heh!) just a hug. I’ve been there and the hugs helped.

MetalMouse glad all has gone well thus far. Safe travels again for tomorrow.

red Safe travels for Nelson and you!

Susan sounds like you all will have a nice Turkey Day.

Die yay for bein’ negative. Hope both of you are feelin’ better soonest.

Rail we watch that episode every Turkey Day. Don’t care about the parade but gotta watch that.

MOOOOOOM were they still nekkid at the weddin’ or did they find their clothes in the big pile first?

I found out we shall have Eyetalian creme cake and pee-kahn pie for dessert on Turkey Day. Score!

Up, caffeinated, and off to heave. It’s currently colder here(30) than it is in Green Bay(39). :open_mouth: :cheese:

Cool. And welcome to the MMP!

If the were Betazoid wedding, then nekkid.

Safe travels, red!

Glad you made it, MetalMouse.

Glad it’s not the 'rona, Dicey. But feel better soon.

The nekkid was before the wedding - for shame, for shame!!!

A frosty 27° here this morning, the day our new HVAC will be installed. Thank goodness for our pellet stove, or we’d be quite uncomfortable these last few days! While the techs are working in the basement, I’ll be in the kitchen doing prep for tomorrow. I bought a sack of russets that will be baked, then turned into twice-baked (well, ready for their second baking) and frozen for future meals. So a domestic day ahead.

One difference between Toby and Roxy (apart from the obvious) is that he likes pacifiers. She never took to them. So he’s getting these for Christmas. :rofl: This grandparenting thing is definitely funner than parenting!

Onward!! Happy Wednesday!

Good morning everyone.

Another day of work awaits, but we’ve been given two hours of admin leave today, so at least I’ll get to shut down a little early.

It’s a coolish 36 degrees outside with clouds. It looks like it’s supposed to remain cloudy all day with rain arriving in the wee hours tomorrow morning.

After I sign off work, I’ll head to the grocery store to pick up whatever supplies I’ll need to prepare the dessert for tomorrow. I still haven’t decided what I’ll make. I’m leaning toward making some kind of cobbler, along with an apple or pear spice cake. Not sure yet.

I’ve read, but not managed to retain much so I’ll send good day thoughts to everyone.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 30 (BRRR!) Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 65 and N.O.S. for the day. This mornin’ OYKW will procure provisions whilst I go deal with some church janitor Junior Warden duties. After that we shall do a buncha prep for tomorrow’s feast. Sup shall be majik intartoobz pizza and sallit.

MOOOOOOM who knew pacifiers could be cool!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas and bother, I suppose I shall purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. Woe is me!

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

Went and picked up my boots and coat from the repair place. Nice we can use them again, especially as the temperatures are getting cooler.

Also bought some chocolate. I do live in Switzerland, so it’s required.

Happy Hump Day!

You’re not getting Toby this one?

Duh, it’s camouflaged. If he drops it, they’ll never find it again!

Also: how come I can never sleep in on my day off?

You, my dear, have an unhealthy obsession with camo… get help…


HVAC guys showed up a little early and without warning. But that’s fine - FCD showed them where they can park in the yard and I showed them what they needed in the basement and told them how to get my attention if they needed me.

I’ve got an assortment of tubers in the oven baking - some for a casserole, some to become twice-baked. It has begun.