As God Is My Witness, I thought Turkeys Could Fly! - A MMP

Taking trees down here is $$$, even the one in the far corner of the yard away from any structures where we said they could just leave the wood there to rot. It was 5 or 6 years ago and it was over $1500. There’s a big one next to the workshop that may be dying, and I fully expect it will be more than $2K to take it down.

Cold coming in tonight. Thank goodness for electric blankets.

I’m getting worn out. :frowning:

bleh I was over the holidays after labor day but if the aunt had known we were going to her son’s house which I’m gonna get pressed to go (like a 1790 sailor ) for thanksgiving she would have just skipped the Tday deco and just sailed on to Xmas

What stinks to me is the ulterior motive of us going over there is he’s avoiding actually having to spend with the inlaws his wife invited over … cause we’re not on his list these days because I don’t accept the wise words of he who farts Goldust and flowers sprout at his passing

and there’s another family of relatives that’s pretty cool but on the trailer side that his wife and her relatives don’t/wont care thats going for …

The only good thing is i won’t have to cook or clean up. for hours …
So yeah Thursday is going to be grimly entertaining …

Heh. A+ turn of phrase.



(You may get a more sympathetic response in the Pit, though.)

I finally sucked up my pride & basically, shamelessly, invited myself over to someone’s home for Thanksgiving. Was waiting for an explicit invitation but finally couldn’t stand the suspense.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to double heave.

Safe travels, MetalMouse.

That’s a disturbing looking costume.



About to go to bed but wanted to pop on to wish bon voyage to MetalMouse. May your travels be safe and smooth, and your wifi ever-available. Happy Thanksgiving!

Also, if I was snippy in my post this morning, I apologize. I didn’t mean to be. I guess I just had an off day. I had a tough time working out, too. But tomorrow will be better.

I called the eye clinic late this afternoon and talked to the head of the contact lens department. (I didn’t go all Karen on him. He answered the phone. I guess they’re short-staffed.) The lens hasn’t arrived yet. He promised to call me when it comes in.

flyboy, I didn’t read your post as political ranting but as venting by someone who, like so many of us (and of any political bent), has battle fatigue. That might be worth a thread in IMHO or somewhere.

FCM, I loved that photo. It’s a side of FCD I haven’t seen. :slight_smile:

shoe, few things are more soothing than a nice cuppa. Hope you have sweet dreams.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 37 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 59 and N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. HUZZAH! Sup shall be chili/cheese/onion/slaw dawgs and oven fries. Fart fest to follow. The rest of the day shall be devoted to sloth and bein’ retired drains on society.

flyboy some people want to make everything political. I get tired of it all as well. It is always fine to vent frustrations in the MMP.

nellie hope the contact lens shows up soonest.

shades a lot of familiy gatherings are meant to be sump’n to endure. Sounds like this one of those for you. Also, one of your relatives is a unicorn?

MetalMouse I’m sure wifi is available even in the wild, wild west that is Missouri and Kansas.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then. onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

I seem to recall comments about how it smelled inside, too. Furry costume + Florida summer = :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

I’ve got a photo of him as Santa, too! One I wish I had was the Halloween he dressed as the Energizer Bunny. That was a great outfit.

It’s a 30° morning. “Our” boat is in Oxford, waiting for the surveyor to get over his plague so he can inspect it. He’s in his 70s, so that could take a while. I don’t wish the man ill, but I kinda hope he has a longer recovery so we don’t close on the deal till January. It’s a matter of juggling IRA withdrawals to minimize tax burdens. But you don’t care about that.

FCD wants to drive to Oxford to see the boat. I worry that he’s already owning it in his mind, and if something comes up in the inspection that kills the deal, it could get ugly. I know the way he is when he gets something in his head… But if he goes there, I ain’t going. It’s too long a drive and I have things to do here.

But for now, I’ll surf and caffeinate. Then we’ll see what happens.

Happy Tuesday!

Mmph. It’s early and my lovely wife is up booking cheap :airplane: for next year. She received spending money for her birthday and she’s in a bit of a frenzy. I hope COVID cooperates.

We’re having my first Thanksgiving ever with my in-laws, so I have no idea what Thursday will be like other than that I’ve offered to set up a sake tasting flight for the nephew and his husband. My lovely wife will make gluten-free stuffing and gravy. For the first time in over 20 years, I won’t have grading to do, so that’s nice. Trying to decide whether to keep adjuncting; not so keen on being in the classroom as my students sneeze into their masks. Cf. the thread on retired vs. semi-retired.

Good morning everyone.

It’s a soggy 39 degrees outside at the moment.

We’re going to my daughter and son-in-law’s place for T-giving and I’ve been asked to bring dessert. I haven’t decided what I’m bringing. I can’t really do anything pumpkin because the son-in-law is allergic to the stuff. I’m not a fan of pie, per se, so I’ll probably do some sort of cake.

johnny, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’m in the same boat.

Last week’s work ended with a very large annoyance and I have to deal with it today. The annoyance is made even larger because these folks have caused me a lot of work and inconvenience and they are WRONG about what they did. These folks don’t seem to know their a**es from their heads and I’m really sick of them. I am not the only one. It irritated me enough that it made it hard to sleep. I was didn’t feel well at all yesterday, but rather than power through, I just emailed my boss and appropriate other staff that I’d be out, and turned on my out of office. Today, I’ll have an s-ton of emails to face and probably new annoyances and problems to sort.

I hope metal mouse’s travels are going well.

I also hope ooopsie’s surgery went well.

Morning all. All packed, just need to load car and program the Garmin, I have notes from Google maps as a backup. Think I remembered everything, even the swim trunks (hey, the hotel might have a heated indoor pool). Need to gas up and pickup my traveler’s breakfast (potato chips and a Mountain Dew) before leaving town. Thanks to all for the good wishes.

Have read all but absorbed mildly; everyone have a good holiday.

Mornin’, all! I awoke to the first real snow of the year. It’s only an inch, but the ground is white. I’m not ready for that crap. Also, my nose has suddenly developed a nasty habit. Every time I blow my nose I get a nose bleed. Only the on the right side. This is highly annoying. I guess it’s time to fire up the humidifiers.

flyboy I agree with you.

shoe Hope you got sleep after tea-time.

metal mouse Safe travels.

Today will be laundry and baking the cheesecake for T-day. I don’t see leaving the house being in the cards.

FCD’s social security has been approved - huzzah! And his will be deposited 2 weeks before mine, starting in Feb. I know it’s not a huge deal, but for some reason not getting it all on the same day makes me feel like it’s easier to budget. No logic there, just a lingering hate of the job he had where he was paid once a month. My jobs always paid every other Firday, and I liked that better. So now it’s sorta every other Wednesday, except for months with 3 Wednesdays. I can deal.

And how.
But I think last year’s electric blanket is crapping out on me. Might have been overworked - weather app sez it got down to 19 F last night, and Nikki has been glued to the thing.

Shoulda brought in my plants! Oops.

The house is an absolute tornado aftermath right now, so I don’t even know where I’d put 'em. But I just gotta power through irk today, and then I’ll have TWO Blessed Days Off to myself (well, one anna half - most of Thursday will be spent eating & getting stoned with my friend) and much cleanup will hopefully happen tomorrow.

See, though, that’s the problem. I want clean-up to just magically happen; I don’t wanna hafta DO the crap, especially when I’m cleaning so much at work.

Your place didn’t come with an automatic stealth maid to deal with that crap? Bummer…


FCD is on his way to the Eastern Shore again so I’m without adult supervision. What to do, what to do… I started reading a cheezy romance novel last night - I think it’s recliner time.

Yes, I was venting. It’s been building for quite a while. I’m not going to start a thread for it, because released some of the pressure with my post.

Thanks, everyone, for the support.

The sky was absolutely stunning this morning at sunrise. I’m going to try to get a waddle in today outside, though it’s cold.

Dad got checked over for a stroke and they don’t think he had one. Unfortunately his Alzheimer’s seems to have taken a horrible, drastic turn for the worse. He’s stopped eating and can hardly get from his chair to the bathroom. I’m not sure what’s going to happen. For his sake, I hope it happens fast.

When I figure it out I’ll upload a picture from my porch. Overlygirl told me this morning that she only pretends to get tired of me screaming, “You guys, the sky is PINK!!! You have got to see this!” then dragging them out in their pajamas to look. Let’s see…I couldn’t embed it, but I did manage a link, I think?

Guys! The sky is pink!

I can’t see the picture. :frowning:

Today is frustrating. Let’s just go with that.

I think this refers to Trump. I could be wrong, but that’s how I read it.

On the positive side, our COVID tests were negative.

So that means we just have some other virus that’s taking it’s time. Sort of thought it was flu, since it started suddenly, and has just been dragging on. Not enough to call in sick, but we’ve been mostly staying in. And we’ll be going to bed early again.

Cheesecake with chocolate crust and caramel drizzle done. Cranberry sauce done. Laundry done…well piled in a basket waiting to be folded, so done-ish.

Too much standing in the kitchen, my back is killing me. Stoopit sciatica. Who invented that shit?