Asian clothing/fashion question

In the Matrix movies, there is a character called Seraph. I’m trying to figure out what the style of clothing he is wearing is called… I’ve been searching the web, but don’t even know enough to use a search engine effectively.

Even describing it is a bit of a challenge for me–the pants are black, kind of basic looking, loose fitting. The “stylish” part is the “coat”, which is a front button down type that is also loose fitting, but has a distinct Japanese look to it.

I know this post is pretty devoid of useful info. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it anyway.


I think it’s called a tang jacket. This is what you mean, right? The jacket doesn’t actually have buttons, it uses frog closures. And the getup is Chinese, not Japanese. I’ve seen the whole thing referred to as a “kung fu suit” but I don’t think that’s what the Chinese themselves call it.

Another page with tang jackets.

You mean a business suit?