Asian Language Support for Firefox

I did a search, and didn’t find my answer…

So does anyone running Firefox have Asian language support? If so, how do I get it? I like the Fox so far, but I am having to switch back to IE for my Japanese lessons.

I’m running on a Japanese OS, so I’m not sure how it’s going to work for you, but don’t you have an option for character coding under the “view” menu?

That surprises me. I’m running firefox, and I have various different languages installed, and they usually work pretty seemlessly. It’s easiest if a site uses Unicode, but you can set the character coding (under the View menu) to autodetect, or try the various different Japanese options till you find the one that makes the characters display properly.

Try going to View -> Character Encoding -> More Encodings -> East Asian, or View -> Character Encoding -> Auto-Detect -> Japanese. If you have Japanese support in IE, it must already be installed on your OS, and therefore should be available in Firefox.