Asian translation, probably Japanese

I’m almost ashamed to admit I watched this, but can anyone translate the subtitles on this for me-

(Warning, very vaguely NSFW.)

Thanks in advance.

It’s Japanese, but I refuse to stoop down to that level, sorry. There’s not much there that I can make sense of anyway - it’s a bunch of random words. At least the part I saw.

This character (if you can call it that) is from the “channel 2” internet sub-culture. Channel 2 is a huge internet bulletin board; the most apt description I’ve heard is that it’s an electronic equivalent of a public bathroom wall. Some sections have IP address logging and is reasonably useful, but the rest of the board is complete anarchy. It effectively destroyed what little respect I had left for my fellow Japanese people.

Well, it’s definitely Japanese. The main chorus is something kinda like, but not quite “we’re breaking our backs.”

Too fast for me to translate, and my wife has already gone to bed. Sorry.