The doctor of Love is here to answer all your love making questions. So don’t be shy, ask the Love doctor.
Dr Love has the answer
The doctor of Love is here to answer all your love making questions. So don’t be shy, ask the Love doctor.
Dr Love has the answer
Would you consider Necrogluteophilia wrong?
[Moderator Hat ON]
Off to MPSIMS.
[Moderator Hat OFF]
How on earth would YOU know anything about “love making”?? Aren’t you WAY too young to do those kinds of things?
From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t
Dear Dr. Love,
My boyfriend and I are having problems. See, I am a L-BD/SM TOP into FF, W/S and D/S, whereas he is UC F/P and G/A and into C/BT, TT, CD/TV and J/O (shrimping and feltching optional). We find these to be at odds sometimes. What do you think we should do?
Please don’t feed the putz roll.