Ask the bisexual male teenager

Here’s my previous thread: Part 1

I’m making this thread to answer any further questions people have to ask, because looking from the originial thread you do seem to have a lot and I don’t want to keep bumping the thread. Also, I’ve recently become fully aware of my sexuality.

Most of you all were once teenagers, but it’s very hard for you to understand what we feel because you changed into an adult, with a different mind and a fully grown body.

The mind changes radically between these years. Perhaps I can give you advice to understand the teenagers around you, because you know they won’t be talking about it :D, or insight as to why we do things the way we do.

As for my sexuality, I only recently realized it, even though I’ve had feelings/crushes for both sexes for awhile. Perhaps you could gain understanding from me, not only on the teenager side of things but also from the side of being bisexual at a young age.

I’ll answer your questions about my sexuality and teenage things, unless they get too personal.

My dear Wormwood,

When did you last check your email?:smiley: I responded as soon as I was able to fully respond. That was like 2 days ago.

Please advise.

Your affectionate uncle,


When did you realise that you were a bisexual, and does it depress you to know that mighty herds of your kind once roamed the prairies, only to be overhunted to near-extinction by settlers heading west?

Do your parents know about your sexuality? Their reaction when you told them/they found out?

This may well be the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

Nobody is to ask how long it took me to get it.

I check my email daily. I’m sorry that I haven’t answered your email, it slipped my mind. You’ll get an answer today.

Where the bisexual and the Cantaloupe once did roam… Well, I think I realized I was bisexual when my feelings became less than platonic for both genders.

I have yet to tell either of my parents of my sexuality. I do not know how they would react to me being bisexual. I know I have to do it sometime, because I don’t want them to be suprised if I bring home a boyfriend. My father seems to usually be open minded, so I imagine it’ll be easiest to tell him about it.

Is your attraction to males theoretical or practical? By that I mean, have you actually had physical affectionate contact with another male, or are you just surmising that you’d be into doing it but haven’t actually done anything with anyone yet?


Is your attraction to females theoretical or practical? By that I mean, have you actually had physical affectionate contact with a female, or are you just surmising that you’d be into doing it but haven’t actually done anything with anyone yet?

  • Rick

No, I have not had any physical intimacy yet with males. It is theoretical, but the only thing that’s really stopping me is my shyness. I’d imagine that would be a little harder to find someone that is male to be intimate with, because I don’t know of any bi or gay kids my age. Me and another doper are looking into matters about that. It’s a feeling that I know when I have someone I love deeply, that I’ll be able to be intimate with that person.

Nope, I haven’t had any physical contact with females. As I said above, I’m pretty shy. I imagine that it would be harder in practice to talk females, because I’m very nervous around them. It’s a feeling that I know when I have someone I love deeply, that I’ll be able to be intimate with that person.

Your location line says Surrey. I realize that’s the outskirts of Vancouver, but when I was in Vancouver 8 years ago, when I was 19, it had more queer youth groups than any other city I’ve ever been to.

Let’s see:

The downtown Gay and Lesbian Centre had a youth group meeting once a week. It had no pronounceable name.

Rhamona Vos Browning’s Youthquest met in three locations out in the boonies – Port Coquitlam, New Westminister – and I can’t remember the third. Was it Coquitlam?

Britannia Group at the Britannia Centre off Commercial Drive in East Vancouver had the best atmosphere – a talking-stick circle, art therapy, things like that. Commercial Drive was a wonderful place to hang out, and had a great little mom & pop (pop & pop?) cafe called Harry’s, run by a gay couple.

There was also a lesbian group, a First Nation’s Two-spirited group, and a second downtown group for people who didn’t like the first one. I wasn’t involved with those, though, so I couldn’t give you many details.

I’m not sure how many of these are still running of course, or how often you could make it into town from Surrey. But it might give you a place to start. Hope that helps.

Thanks, Hamish.

You’re bi? Me too. :slight_smile: Are you sure we’re not twins from multiple universe dimensions or something? plays Twilight Zone music I know plenty of bi folks my age… one of my best friends is a bi male, in fact. Good luck with finding people in your area to converse with on the matter.

Have you came out to anybody yet, if you don’t know i won’t tell? What was the experince like?

I wrote that about 3 hours ago, but it seemed to not have gone thru.

Good threads, Aslan, both this one and the first, more general one you started. Tell me – you say in your OP that:

So – we can ask questions about general teenage boyhood stuff? Hope we can, 'cause there’s one thing I’d like to know: do teenage boys your age in BC wear jeans down so low they show their boxer pants, as I’ve seen 15 year olds do here in NZ? (Here, apparently, it’s the latest thing).

Yeah, you can. The thread is not just about my sexuality, it’s about teenage things in general, possibly with a mix between the two. Yes, the showing off of boxer shorts is pretty rampant around here, as I suspect it is in most countries. It’s sorta tied into the currently very popular genre rap/hip hop, which currently mainly has to do with the amount of bling bling you have.

As a aside, I’d never ever say bling bling in real life or in a non satirical way. Anyway, Bling bling is your money, your gold chains, the diamond rings, pagers and metal chains that hang off of your pants or clothes. Basically, it’s showing off that you got money and lots of it. Think of Mr. T and his gold chains, and you’ll get a good idea. It’s usually heavy enough to bring down most peoples clothes.

Even if they don’t have any of the above stuff, it’s still cool to have your pants below your boxer shorts. The same with girls, except maybe a little higher. For some people, I really don’t need to see that. And the same with wearing tight clothes, please, please wear sizes that fit you. I’m trying not to sound cruel here.

Well, OK, then Aslan:

Regarding your sexuality:

  1. Where would you rate yourself on the Kinsey Scale? (If you don’t know it, 0=totally str8, 3=equally attracted to men/women, 6=totally gay, no attraction to opposite sex at all. Somebody may be along with a link.)

  2. What characteristics make another boy sexually attractive to you? Given your ideal “dream come true” same-sex sexual relationship, what would you want to do with said boy?

  3. Do you have any problems integrating your bisexual desires with either your personal morality or what the community expects of you? How do you address those problems?


  1. What are the main interests and enthusiasms of your life right now? What things captivate your enthusiasm?

  2. At this point in time, what would you want to do with your life once you finish school? What are your aspirations?

  3. If you could change exactly one thing about the world as it is, what would you choose to change, and why?

Out of the kinsey scale, which I’ve heard of before from another doper, I would have to say I’m a 2.5. I’m more inclined to females, but I imagine that I could easily fall in love with either of the sexes. I have major crushes for both sexes already.

Well, the first thing I really notice in males are the eyes. I don’t know what is exactly, but I’ve spent long periods of time just looking at the eyes of males in pictures. Secondly, the face. It’s harder to explain what exactly attracts me to those parts than any other. Full checkbones is one of the things I like to have.

I’d say that a good portion our relationship would be talking about things, anything. To gaze up at the stars or walk along the beach just talking with a good conversationilist would be nirvana. One of the non physical features that I admire the most in both sexes is the ability to converse welly, to be able to talk about anything. For physical contact, their would be a lot of kissing.

Well, it feels strange that some people(probably not worthwhile people) would see me completely different if they knew about my sexuality. Would my friends continue to like me? They seem to be the type that would be accepting, but I can’t really directly ask wthout it seeming odd of me to ask. I want to be out, and I need to be out. I feel like exploding if I don’t tell somebody, at least in Real Life. However the cycle continues, how much are things going to change if the whole school knew about it? Is it worth being out and being more likely to be attacked, or should I keep it inside?

I know that soon enough I’ll be able to tell somebody, what with all those groups Hamish mentions. That will be much easier, coming out to people I know will be accepting. It’ll lift at least part of the burden of keeping this secret.

Right now, I’m into creating art of any sort. I spend hours and hours just doodling and sketching things out for fun. I’ve downloaded various art programs and made some semi decent looking pictures using them. I’m trying to learn how to write better, both fiction and non fiction. I think that art is one of the greatest things you can give or share, and I love to give it.

I’m into reading about demons, ghosts and various other types of paranormal beings. Right now I’m reading a non fiction book about a woman with a haunted ring who becomes a ghost hunter, cleverly titled Ghost. :wink:

As for listening, I find that I listen to a lot of alternate rock. Nirvana, Deftones, Audioslave, Tool, punk covers, coughdurandurancoug are what’s usually on my playlist. I do find some of the older rock, such as Black Sabbath and The Beatles to be quite good. Most of the bands that are listed above seem to be some of the greatest of their genres, at least for the current market.

I’m not much into movies any more. They just quite aren’t as easily attainable as music, reading or drawing paper. Most of the movies I see I don’t really like. They lack a form, some sort of substance that changes them from being medicore to good or great. I like Kevin Smith films, because they’re one sided debates and jokes based around a plot, but done good.

I want to become well knowledged in a lot of subjects. The way subjects interact together interest me, how did Michelangelo affect people with his paintings, what did the discovery of basic addition do, stuff like that. Not so much the effects, but the things that cause them. I’m probably rambling or being incoherent, but I can’t seem to put it any other way. My aspirations are to teach. I want to teach social studies, most likely at a college level. I like to see people think, and to see what they think, too. I would say that teaching in front of the class has been one of the best experinces of my life.

I don’t think it would be quite fair of me to change something of the entire world. I know I would want to make it so everybody would live in peace. However I might not like an opinion, and I may wish to change it by arguing it, I don’t want to force it on someone. I’d have to say I would want the earth to replinish it’s self at a much faster rate, as we humans are getting rid of chunks of it everyday, to the point the eco system is getting ruined.

I’ve answered your questions to the best of my ability. Ask any more questions if you have them. After all that coding I think I need a nap.

Yes, but only friends. I’m not particularly close with my mother, or my stepfather, so I don’t really see a need to tell them. I haven’t had any adverse reactions from friends… a few people online, have the opinion that all gays and bi, etc, do it for attention. Oh yeah. That’s logical.

Also: Rest your head about the environment… it <b>will</b> replenish itself in time. Humans can’t hang around forever.

Sleep tight. :smiley:

Yeah, but it’ll replenish it self, but only over a long period of time. We’re destroying stuff that took hundreds of years to develop.

What is your opinion of people who run nekkid thru threads?:wink:

Also, how far are you from Yellowknife, NWT?