Ask the drunk guy

Hey, Adam . . . why not give it a try once? Just for the experiance? I know you’re a religious fellow, and that might be the reason, but what’s the harm in trying it? After your first hangover, you’ll probably never want to do it again, anyway :wink:

Is it a sin to get drunk on sacramental wine?

I’ve tried drinking it faster, but that only seems to make the problem worse; I’ll drink a bit of it rather fast, then I reach for it later and BOOM! it’s all evaporated again. Fortunately I follow the scout motto and ‘be prepared’ by having a large stock, so I can always get a spare.

Kevin Allegood,

“At least one could get something through Trotsky’s skull.”

  • Joseph Michael Bay

My brother always said that you couldn’t drink before noon except on July 4th or Labor Day. I think he’s somewhat eased up on that regulation now that he’s married.

*“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller

Yeesh, just how shrewish IS his wife?!

That’s funny, she doesn’t LOOK shrewish . . .

Hey dude!

::hugging beeruser::

This guy here. This guy… This guy is tha MAN! I love this guy here. This guy kicks ass. I mean, sheeet. ::big ass sigh:: Yeah - I mean, like, uhm, it’s awesome. I need some beer. I mean, sometimes, I just don’t, but just sometimes beeruser is just so man. F**& yeah.

I’d be so utterly bored if this were the case for me.

This thread cannot be allowed to die.

I wish this thread not to die, either.

But the simple fact is: We’ve answered all the questions.

Just have a beer and relax. :slight_smile:

There’s always another beer.

Dear Drunk Guy:

I have also been drunk on occassion. Many occassions. As such, I have a couple of questions for you…

(1) I have never, no matter how much I drank or what it was, had a hangover in my life. Is this bad? I am 31 now… Will one day, this ability to somehow cheat the booze Gods of their torment go away?

(2) A serious query. Drunk guy (not necessarily THE Drunk Guy) gets behind the wheel of a car. Someone else dies. What’s the verdict… Murder or oops, sorry?

Yer pal,

It seems I cannot get enough to drink.
No matter how much I have on a Friday night I always wake up with a dry mouth on the Saturday.

Any solutions?

Satan: We must share a liver! I can NOT get a hangover. I’ve been drunk to the point of blacking out and sleeping in my own vomit (not a pretty sight, and no, I’m not proud of it), but I’ve NEVER had a hangover. Once, just once, I’ve had a slight headache, but as soon as I drank some water it went away. What gives?!


You can’t accidently create a handicapped baby whilst smoking pot. - Coldfire

Satan and Homer, I hate both of passionately now. I understand that some people just don’t get hangovers. I do. Trust me, you’re better off without them. It’s kind of like being sick, with the added benefit of being in pain, and being unable to tolerate bright lights or loud noises. I love getting drunk, but those times when I’ve been seriously hung over, I’ve been known to utter that inevitable phrase “I’m never going to do that again.” I usually keep that promise a couple hours, and have learned that I have no desire to forswear alcohol.

The interesting thing is that there’s no correlation between how much I drink and whether or not I get hungover. One of the primary causes is dehydration, so it’s always a good idea to have a lot of water before going to bed. I guess beer would probably be less of a hangover cause than hard liquor, due to all the water in it, relatively speeking.

Satan wrote:

It’s involuntary manslaughter. Murder (first degree) needs intent to kill. I think it’s up to the judge to give the drunk driver a deserving sentence.

Also, you must be very healthy. In my teens and early twenties, I could drink with impunity. But lately, this is not the case. I think my liver is shot. I hope someday they can clone my liver and give me a transplant.
casdave wrote:

Try watching Leaving Las Vegas. Sometimes the moth can’t help but fly right into the flame.
But seriously, think about getting some help.
I don’t have much experience with hard liquor, so I don’t know to what degree it is a diuretic.
But beer makes the drinker urinate a lot, which inevitably leads to dehydration, and then the hangover.

There’s always another beer.

Dear Drunk Guy,

What kind of drunk are you?

I don’t drink, and have only like twice in my life (and me from bar bandjob musician stock, no less); frankly, I’m scary enough sober. But the very first time I drank enough to get buzzed (which didn’t take much - a glass and a half of a Thrilla Vanilla Coke), I discovered my usually witty, jovial self became nasty and mean. My Wit Filter went offline, and when I usually speak my mind things come out pithy and wry, but never hurtful; when I got buzzed, it all came out unvarnished and ugly. I almost made enemies. The second time I drank I was drunk for about 3 minutes, but then it passed, and during that time I was tolerable, but loud, and I laughed a lot. Was it my frame of mind going into the situation, or what? And what about you?

Another thing - the people where I used to work seemed obsessed with drinking to the point whether I wondered I should call in AA. All they ever talked about was drinking - how much they did this past weekend, how much they’re going to on their next vacation, when they’re going to again. Frankly, it scared me - I’m all for social drinking, but these folks seemed to truly have a problem. Thoughts?


Ask the Gay Guy!

Hey it’s never a problem to me.
**MY[b/]problem is should I put sugar on my brown ale and cornflakes on a morning or should I go for the healthy option and switch the cornflakes for muesli?

Esprix wrote:

I think the best description would be: schizophrenic.

I’m just kidding. Well, not really, did you ever see the movie The Mask, starring Jim Carrey? Generally, I’m more outlandish when I’m drunk. I tend to joke around more, and am generally more frivolous, sometimes mischievous.

When I am sober, I am usually in “working” mode, and I discard all nonsense. But when I am in “fun” mode, not necessarily when I am drinking, I tend to seek pleasure, and so I become careless, unburdened, and even (aghast) friendly.

I’ve noticed that it is not healthy to keep such opposite characteristics distinctly. So I am now in the process of melding these two personas. I am today more conscious of inner thoughts and emotions of which I had earlier sub-consciously repressed.

There’s always another beer.

Hey you guys who don’t get hangovers:

I’m curious as to whether this is a true immunity, or perhaps just a resistance. Or maybe you guys do something while drinking that forestalls the hangover.

For the interests of science, I suggest you perform the following test:
Do not eat or drink anything past noon. At 7:00pm commence alcohol consumption. Limit yourself to shots of vodka or whiskey and perhaps a couple of bottles of wine. Beer will not work as well for this test. Try to keep this up until at least 12:00am. It is important to remember not to drink any water during this time, as it could invalidate the test. Anytime after 12:00am, you can feel free to pass out.

If you do not have a headache in the morning, I believe there is a good chance that you are genetically immune to hangovers.


Oh, I forgot:

Best results can be achieved by waking up after no more than 8 hours of sleep to a bright light and loud noise.


This is from Edward Albee’s “A Delicate Balance.” Claire describes her attendence at an A.A. meeting.

Claire: One night, one month, sometime, I had one Martini–as a Test to see if I could–which given my…stunning self-discipline, had become three, and I felt…rather daring and nicely detached and a little bigger than life and not snarling yet. So I marched, more or less, straight, straight up to the front of the room, hall, and faced my peers. And I looked them over–all of them, trying so hard, grit and guilt and failing and trying again and loss…and I had a moment’s–sweeping–pity and disgust and I almost cried, but I didn’t…and I heard myself say, in my little girl voice–and there were a lot of different me’s by then–“I am a alcoholic.”
“My name is Claire and I am a alcoholic.”…
Now, I was supposed to go on, you know, say how bad I was, and didn’t want to be, and How It Happened, and What I Wanted To Happen, and Would They Help Me Help Myself… but I just stood there for a…ten seconds maybe, and then I curtsied; I made my little girl curtsy, and on my little-girl feet I padded back to my chair…
But it hooked me – the applause, the stage presence… that beginning; no school tot had more gold stars for never missing class. I went back; oh, God, I did…
Until I learned… and being a slow student n my young middle age, slowly… that I was not, nor had ever been… a alcoholic… or an. Either. What I did not have in common with those people. That they were alcoholics, and I was not. That I was just a drunk. That they couldn’t help it; I could, and wouldn’t. That they were sick, and I was merely…willful.

Is this just a case of an alkie conjuring up an “I could stop if I wanted to and I don’t want to”? Or is Claire telling the truth?
Seem like she’s admitting she has a problem–not an addiction, a personality problem–that expresses itself through drinking. More than that, she’s admitting she LIKES having that problem. That that problem (is it a problem?) is part and parcel of who she is.
I don’t think we can dismiss Claire, or anyone who has expressed similar sentiments in this post so far, as an addict who refuses to admit their addiction. Seems to me she knows what she’s doing.
I drink beer just about every day after I knock off work. I look forward to it, actually. To relaxing with a couple cold ones. I stay an hour or two, hang with friends, leave.
Is that discipline or a lack of it? Could I stop? Probably. I don’t want to. Do I worry about not being able to pull myself away from the table one day? Sometimes.
Do I consider myself an alcoholic? Well, not yet. Maybe I’m working on it.
I do know that I never want to relive a college experience with liquor. Woke up one morning with two crows sitting on the edge of my bed. Hello, Heckle and Jeckle, I said. They nodded at me, flew around the room, and disappeared. It was only then I noticed that I was shaking like crazy, and I was covered in cold sweat, and felt sicker than when my appendix exploded in fourth grade. Felt like that for two days.
The crazy part is I’ve since read a Joseph Wambaugh novel that has THE EXACT SAME SCENE. With crows, I mean.
And this is why I now drink beer. It’s easier to control. Simple as that.
I never drive when I’ve had even one beer. Simple as that.
Again, is this discipline or just a way of micromanaging a problem with booze?