Ask the Guy Who Claims to be from Delaware


Hey! Alaskaboy. Most of NJ smells just fine. It’s only those said parts that can be called suburbs of NYC that take up NYC’s crap and smell bad.

Delaware on the other hand just smells like fish.

Is it true that if you see a hill, you’re really in Maryland?

Delaware does not smell like fish. It smells like chickens and chickenshit :smiley:

Hold on a second. I have been to Wyoming. I’m positive of it.

Delaware, though, no. Although I had a friend in college who claimed to be from Delaware. She always seemed like such a nice girl, too. Now I know the truth. Thanks, guys.

Just doin my little part to fight ignorance :smiley:

As for me, I’m convinced that the whole Area 51 gambit is simply to distract people’s attention from where the real secret stuff is – the Wedge. :eek:

Well the bit where my grandpa lived smelled like fish. But maybe that means he wasn’t really in Delaware. And more evidence that Delaware dosn’t exist :dubious: .

SHHHHHH!!! Don’t make them send out the DIB :stuck_out_tongue:

Your grandpa musta lived near the bay. Kent and New Castle county, well, don’t really smell like anything. But Sussex County (where I work)…Chickenshit. And the smell lingers for days.

I am ashamed to admit this but I can tell the difference between cow manure, pig manure, and chickenshit byt the smell :frowning: ::hangs head in shame, walks away::

Unfortunately, yes. Or PA.

I grew up a few miles from there. We joked about nosebleeds.

  • S-O, former Delawarean (or AM I? muah hah ha!)

Edit: A trailer home park? Damn, must’ve missed that one. How pathetic is that?

Now now. When the terrorist come with their pig manure bomb we’ll be needing you. :slight_smile:

You nearly made me choke on my salad :smiley:

Hmm… Well I thought I’d visited Rehoboth beach, DE, but now I am not so sure. If it was really Delaware, Why did I fly in to Wicomico? And Why were there all those DC and MD license plates on the cars? And futhermore,

Camoflage [sp?], duh.

I gots to know.



A fan of Taxi and the Rev Jim I see :slight_smile:


I’ve got conclusive proof that Delaware does not, in fact, exist.

Please go to

Look for directions from Washington DC, to Salem, DE. Given the rumor that Delaware is just north of Maryland, one would expect this to be on the order of 100-150 miles one way.

But no - the actual distance is 4471 miles!!!


Obviously this whole “duPont” that is supposed to be located in “Delaware” really refers to a very long bridge to Germany (hell of a toll on that bridge… I wonder if they take EZ Pass? :wink: )

I love item 21 on the directions:

You have to love a giant corporation with a sense of humor.

Yeah, I got nothin for this. Seems I’ve been living in Germay all this time :smiley:
Or maybe we just want you to think that. Convient how they steer you away from the Air Base, huh?