Ask the magic 8 ball [game]

Ask your most pressing questions and someone will shake the magic 8 ball to answer you.

You can use this magic 8 ball or make up your own answer.

If you’re making up your own answer, please try to be appropriate to the question and not morbid or negative. This is just a fun game.

Please quote the question you’re answering.

Some questions to start:

What shall I have for dinner?
Will Bezos make it to Mars?
How many lumps of sugar should I add to my coffee/tea?
Will 2021 be a great year?
Shall I get a new puppy this year?

Well, “What shall I have for dinner?” came back “Very doubtful.”

Yes, definitely


“Should I surprise my dog with a snack ?”

“Outlook not so good.”


Do we have better things to do with our time?

“As I see it, yes”

Hmm. Maybe I need to clarify the rules. One person writes the question. Someone else is supposed to write the answer. My example to myself was only because no one else wrote a question yet.

Like this:

Ask again later.

Ask the fortune cookie for a second opinion.