astro, a request: stop copying links from FARK

I didn’t say it was plagiarism, for christ’s sake. Did you even read what you quoted?

It isn’t even freakin’ skirting the skirt of the skirt of plagarism. I cannot believe you even tried to associate the word “plagarism” (in even a tenuous way) with someone collecting freakin’ links. Is that clearer now?

Isn’t it quite likely that some of the links submitted to FARK have been swiped from other sites and messageboards in the first place?

No, not at all. You say “someone else has done all the work in finding it” as if they didn’t just stumble across it, like astro did on FARK. What “work” is it that you think the folks who submit the links to FARK do that is so much more that what astro did? Do you think they spend hours hand-crafting the URL to FARK’s specifications? No, they just had it emailed to them by a buddy, or saw it on another site, or stumbled over it in a search. They ain’t doing anything that is more work than astro seeing it on FARK. It’s nothing that should be mentioned even in the same paragraph as plagiarism.

:eek: Are you serious? By “here,” do you just mean the BBQ Pit? Even then, not by a long shot. The Fark demographic is fairly thick with subnormals. Who wants to wade through all that ungrammatical, misspelled, randomly-capitalized, AOLspeek-riddled wank in search of the odd intelligent remark?

Myself, I don’t post a lot of “look at this link” threads, but when I do, the links usually come from a blog or news-aggregate site-- usually Obscurestore, b3ta, memepool, The Register, metafilter, and yes, sometimes Fark. If I see something that is worth sharing, and nobody’s talking about here yet, damn straight I’ll start a thread, and feel no guilt.

Because I like the folks here better, and would rather relate to them most of the time than the LCD folks you tend to get in most other online forums.

I dinna see a problem.

It’s clear that you latched on to the word plagiarism and neglected everything else I wrote.

Wow! I didn’t even realize this was here!

Anyway. I post on lots of different things in lots of different forums. I do get a kick out of plucking stuff off of Fark, MSNBC, Drudge, Obscure Store and a host of other sites. I do like Fark because a lot of amusing material gets pushed through it and (like the other sites) I cherry pick this or that item that might be of interest to the teeming millions.

I suppose that, as others have noted, I don’t attribute Fark or Drudge or Obscure Store (unless it’s a direct product of the website) as the source, because it’s essentially just a paste up board for amusing and interesting links that often came from other paste up sites. I’m not trying to pass any of this stuff off as my own “work”. Most of the time I’m just essentially saying this might be an amusing or interesting link, or making a comment on the item and the source attribution is obviously identified in the link.

As to the “lack of creativity” in these link postings I’m guilty as charged. I’m generally not trying to be “creative” in posting these links. It’s really more of selection of infotainment morsels that might be of interest, and I think they are generally well received, although there might be some degree of deja-vu for people who skim the same post up sites I do.

As to “profiting”, I am still waiting for that check from Cecil.

However, since this does seem to be a nettlesome burr under your heavily loaded saddle of things to be concerned about, I will make a neighborly effort to ease your concern and attribute a Fark link with “via Fark” in future posts that involve a url via Fark.

It’s one thing to find an obscure neat site that nearly no one has heard about, submitting it to FARK, and then having it accepted and posted on the main page. It’s another thing to read a nationally recognized site listing a conglomeration of links and then post a link (or many links) to another site as if YOU had found that obscure site in the first place WITHOUT mentioning that you found it on the recognized site. If astro was submitting sites that his friend had sent him in an email I wouldn’t have a problem with it!

He is taking information from a site and reprinting it without mentioning where he got it! Does it matter that it’s a URL? I don’t really think so! And he’s done it over and over again!

Thanks, astro, that’s all I was asking.

No kidding. The average BBQ Pit thread is the freaking Algonquin Round Table compared to the average FARK thread.

Respectfully, I think that this is skirting the issue but missing the point. My sense is that the SDMB becoming a repeater station for Fark simply reflects poorly on us as a community. Sure, I go there and enjoy many of the links that are submitted. If one catches my eye, and raises a topic for debate or ranting I may even bring it up here.

The problem, as I see it, is that it is a little sad that this community is relying on that once for source material and not vibrant enough to come up with it on our own.

What would constitute the SDMB coming up with material on its own? If I find an interesting news report on, vs finding that same report on FARK, is that somehow different? How does that somehow reflect better on me or this board? What’s the difference? How is it not the exact same thing?

What I want to know is why astro isn’t posting any good “Boobies” links :confused:


Granted, it is a subtle thing. In your example, it would seem that you are actively cruising around the web and looking for news that either excites you or in some way you find interesting. You may visit CNN or the BBC or even Fox.

The Fark example is a little different. There you have people who have submitted things from sources that interest them to a central repository. I guess that it just seems lazy or something. I am not saying that it in worthy of a pitting, but I can appreciate how it rubs one the wrong way.

So, you feel there is some kind of skill in finding an obscure site, and you think that astro is being deceptive because he/she’s giving the impression that somehow it was found via some kind of internet searching skill that he/she does not have? Is this an accurate understanding of how you feel?

Unless it somehow takes more work to read than, I do not understand at all how one can be seen as lazier than the other. It neither worthy of a pitting nor even mentioning, because its EXACTLY the same thing. It’s reading a web page, finding a link one finds interesting, and sharing it with others for their entertainment/edification. It’s doing people a favor, and somehow the OP has twisted that into looking for undeserved recognition.

Nah… the bug that crawled up her ass and died put a stranglehold on her frontal lobe before it expired and thus she just had her medulla to jump to a conclusion.

Revtim, I think that I may be expressing myself poorly. What bothers me a little bit about it has to do with the comparison of the two communities, not the sharing of links in and of itself. It saddens me a bit that our forums are not filled with links that our members have discovered as they surf the web, full of curiosity and wonder. Theirs, as far as I can tell, is.

Wait a sec… no that won’t do… she’d get pissed again… Ah…Here we go!


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