
What the que pasa?

A friend of mine recently sent along this link. Has anyone heard of this?

I know what Cecil said about the futility of talking logic to an astrology believer, but geez. This is ridiculous.

Speaking as a professional mapmaker and an amateur astronomer, I think my head is about to explode…

What do you know, I’m also a mapper.

My friend sent the link (in all seriousness) as a way for a mutual friend to decide where to move! I guess it’s best to just ignore it.

But, really, wasn’t astrology originally premised on a flat earth, and/or that the stars rotated around it?

What’s everyone’s beef here? Just seems like the usual assortment of new age astrological lunacy. Am I missing something?

Am I to take this “AstroCartoGraphy” thing to mean it’s pronounced AST-ro-CAR-to-GRAPH-y, not as’-tro-car-TOG-raphy?

No, you’re not missing anything. Just expressing my incredulityand wishing I could take on this friend’s beliefs without losing them.

As for the ***, I think they’re supposed to be Stars. Plus, it gives them the handy acronym ACG.